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LCPL Norbert Pattenaude

LCPL Pattenaude(aka Norbert Kevin Pattenaude II) was born July 29, 1984 grew up Lincoln Park, Mi and graduated from L.P. High in 2001. He joined the Marine Corps during his senior year of high school and went away to bootcamp just a few short months following graduation (October, 2001). He attended bootcamp in Paris Island, S. Carolina for 12 excruciating weeks. This was definetly an experience that will never be forgotten. Soon after his successful completion of basic training, receiving recognition for high PFT (physical fitness training) LCPL Pattenaude headed to Richmond, Virginia for more training and preparation. Not long after Virginia he was based in 29 Palms, California, which then lead to his journey to Iraq. Eventhough LCPL Pattenaude and his family were devastated and overexerted with emotion, he knew this is what he had trained to do and that his country needed him. As LCPL Pattenaude has said many times "I have one destiny; that is to serve my country." -LCPL Pattenaude's Duties- Working as a fuel specialist, he fuels all the aircraft for our military. A very important job, however, in all reality he went all the way to Iraq to pump gas? LCPL Pattenaude's Goals and Aspirations: "I pledged to serve my country and that is my #1 goal. I believe that as long as I’m with the Marine Corp I will go where I am headed. After getting out of the Marine Corps in 2006 I wish to complete my studies in construction, build my home, and have a family. I can’t wait to return to the USA to see my family and friends, eat some good food, take a long hot shower, and reap all the other benefits of home that I at one time took advantage of. While being here I’ve leaned to appreciate all the things I’ve taken for granted in my life. Now all I can do is put every bit of my trust in God, knowing that he will watch over me and keep me safe." ************************************************************************************************************...................................................... ...................................................... ..............................................................................
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