
live it..learn it..love it!

joaquin auayan

hafa adai and welcome to what i'd like to call my domain. .this is where it's gonna be all 'bout ME! first n' foremost. .mah name is joaquin auayan...and i come from tha island of guam. .anyway. .dis page was made for me to ascert mahself to da world. .i believe i waz put here for a reason and da reason would be to be proud. .of all mah achievements. .i am known az "kayotik" and i know there some people who can't fig or think for sh*t. .so they bite off mah thingz and sh*t. .but right now. .it doesn't seem to matter. .you see. .life seems to be too pleasant and too good sometymes. .howeva recent. .itz all in tha past and i don't think about lookin' back. .i ain't gon' be sorry for anythin' i've eva done cause it just wouldn't be me. .it just ain't right to be sorry for somethin' i won't regret. .see. .it ain't that i couldn't give a damn bout you all. .mah personal reason perceive that there be frenz out there who call themselves 'best' when in reality they ain't nothin' more than trash-fairytale suck-ups. .more can i say or do. .peace!

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what makes me, kayotik...

  • my "so-called" knowledge of cars...
  • my intelligence...
  • my good taste in art and designs...
  • my artistic reputation...
  • my ambition to be successful...
  • and uhhh...my eating reputation...

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