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DRuG DEaLerZ RelEAseD MArcH 22 TueSdaY 2005 !!

Step Daddy J
Step Daddy J Music
Step Daddy J My Space
Step Daddy J Bebo Music
Peter Black Music
Peter Black My Space
Peter Black
John Danijel Jugovic Radio My Space
European Mafia
Nefarious Blue
Johnny Juuann
Jugovich Records
Jugovich Records Roster Links
Jugovich Pictures
Jugovich Records Albums
Downlow Records Albums
Downlow Records
Downlow Records Soundclick
Downlow Records My Space
JDJ Radio My Space
JDJ Radio
JDJ Beats Bebo
JDJ Beats

Coming Soon ! :


Peter Black " Black Lagoon "


J Da Rippa " J Da Rippa 3 Mentally Unstable "


Step Daddy J " Croatian Sensation "













Hey wazzp ya'll ! Black Lagoon Records is in Full Effect in the brand new year of 2007 !! We've added a Peter Black Soundclick page at :

And we've also added a Peter Black My Space Web Page at :


Black Lagoon Records Is Definatly In Affect and 2007 will be the 1 st year for Peter Black's own record company : Black Lagoon


Also Jugovich Records is working on a new project/concept . We've alawys been fresh and done new things in the entertainment field . Well we set trendz and it's no different when it comes to the radio . We are introducing : Radio John Danijel Jugovic or shortned you can call it JDJ Radio !!

You can check out this cool new project by going to :

2007 are big days for Jgovich Records and Now Black Lagoon Records as well . Stay in touch ya'll !!

J-Child January.16'2007 Tuesday













March.22'2005 Tuesday :

Brand New Album : BCGZ " Drug Dealerz " Released Today ! 17 Bangin Tracks 4 tha 2005 ! BCGZ is Medicine Man , Peter Black and Step Daddy J .


Send A Letter To Artists That Are Locked Up! -

I wanna ask you guys to take a few minutes out of your daily lives and write a letter to the homies who are locked up at the moment.

A few kind words will only make the day easier for them.


Here's the address to C-Bo: Shawn "C-bo" Thomas #V44269 GF6-42 middle P.o. Box 9 Avenal, CA 93204


Here's the address to Flesh~n~Bone: Stanley Howse P97344 P. v. s. p A. i 106 Upper P.O. Box 8501 Coalinga, CA 93210


Here's the address to Big Hutch Cold 187 of Above The Law: Gregory Hutchinson #225903112 F.P.C. Nellis P.O. Box 9910 Las Vegas, NV 89191


Here's the address to E-White: E. White V38628 Salinas Valley State Prison Facility E2 #199 Po Box 1050 Soledad, CA 93960


Thanks Guys....
















Hey wHUtup ? YA'lL REadY foR THat neW bCgZ SHIT OR WHAT ? whaT Tha FuC Yo ?? ComINg eARly 2005 , BCgz'S 2 ND alBuM : " dRUg dEALerZ "

Peter BLACK , step daDDY j and MEDicinE MAN , BcgZ 2005 !!!! YoU'Ve bEEN fOrWarNEd !!
























BCgZ is up in dis MAAAAAAAAAA !! SuCK ASS Hoezz It's ON !!! mEDICinE MAN , Step DADDy j , PeTeR BlACK , Johnny JUAANn and NEFarIOuS BLue . WE 5 KillAZ ; 5 BoyZ Gettin ROwdy At AlL ' Ya'lL SucKaZ !! IT's oN BitchEZ !!


BcGz July.26'2004


NeW bcGZ alBuM CUMMeN ThiS WInteRR . Hoe hOe MuTHAfuKKaZ !!!
