Online Forum Promoting Freedom of Speech and Thought 

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What is BC-Chautari?

BC (bee'cee') n. a certain western Canadian province otherwise known as British Columbia; also written as B.C.

Chau.tari (chow'taary) n.[Nepali] open platform, with a roof or often under the shade of a mature tree, used as a forum for public meeting and open discussion or simply as a place for resting.           

So, step forward and get on this online platform to express yourself ... or simply sit back, relax and read what others have expressed. BC-Chautari is an online forum that seeks to provide a platform for self-expression in order to promote and preserve freedom of speech. Express yourself on public policy issues affecting life and liberty in general and South Asian socio-political and international relations issues in particular. BC-Chautari is moderated from Greater Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada by members of Nepal Concern Group, Canada (NCGC). However, NCGC, as a group, does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by individual authors.

You are encouraged to submit for posting on this forum articles, commentaries, personal communications, notes, and even satires. Simply email your submission in MS Word format to



  1. Maoist Insurgency and Political Bosses: Extreme Culture of Violence and Corruption - by A.S. Pradhan (Posted on September 27, 2002)
  2. Maoist Recruits Mostly Bleary-eyed Youths, Not Peasants - by N. Koirala (Posted on September 28, 2002)
  3. George Mush and Pervez Busharraf: Bedfellows in International Politics of Power and Survival - by A.S. Pradhan (Posted on October 3, 2002)
  4. Invisible Hand of American Government - by N. Koirala (Posted on April 28, 2003)


  1. Unintended Outcomes of Development Projects: Role of Multilateral Development Banks - by A.S. Pradhan (posted in April 2003)

  2. Political Economy of Environmental Problems in the Third World: Implications for International Development Assistance Efforts - by A.S. Pradhan (posted in May 2003)

 Political Satire

  1. Root of All Evil (Acrobat PDF Document)
  2. Hypothesizing the Iraq Crisis (Acrobat PDF Document)


















Last updated: Sunday August 29, 2004