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The Story Of Kisha
She was born is Suzal, Tarsakh the 20th in the year of 1352. Her father(Kent) was a tanner. Not an expert to be sure, but he did well enough that they got by. Her mother(kestra) didn't have a job other than to keep house and look after the children. She had an older brother (Kelton...apparently they thought it would be clever to name everyone with a "K") but he was sent away to join the army when he was 16. Her father was a notorious alcoholic. Which is probably why he wasn't the best at his craft. He had the potential but too many days hungover in the morning had lessened the quality of his work. He was also violent when he was drunk. And unfortunately Kestra wore the brunt of it. That is not to say that Kent was an evil man. Or even a mean one. He loved his wife and was always overwraught with guilt the next day. But he was a stubborn man as well and hardly if ever commented on his actions,let alone apologise. Kisha's mother loved him as well but a person can only take so much. One day after a particularily brutal beating she left. No note, no goodbyes, just gone. It happened while Kisha had been out with friends and she was understandably horrified to come home and find her mother and all of Kestra's belongings missing. She spent the rest of the day and most of the night searching for her but she didn't have the skills necessary to track a person down. When she got home her father was there, already drunk. After a hurried explination of where she was and what had happened, Kent hit her. This was unexpected, for while he had beat her mother he had never laid a hand on her. Without thought to the consequences she fled. She didn't pack or even look to where she was going. She just went. She was 14. As good and as nice as Cormyr is, that doesn't make it -safe-. Not after dark. It didn't take long for her to find (or be found as the case may be) someone to 'take care of her'. All she had to do to earn her keep was cut a few purses. What? She didn't know how? That's fine, things like that can be taught. And so she learned. She also picked up a few other traits along the way. One of the most important (to her anyway) was the gathering of information. She wanted to find her mother. As with all places of ill repute, things eventually went downhill. But it wasn't so bad. She had enough skills to just go out and find another. And she was old enough to survive on her own. (Her mother had made sure to wait until at least that long) In all the months that she was away, she never sent word to her father or brother. Her father for obvious reasons and her brother because she didn't want him to think of her as the way she had become. She made a decision to contact him when she had made something of herself. Something respecatble. she wasn't a bad kid though and all the stealing got to her. It ate at her from the inside. And so she learned how to hide. As though she could hide from herself. Eventually though, if you live the life long enough you become numb to those sort of feelings. Once she got past the guilt she started to excel at her craft. As such, she became known. Not a celebrity by any means but too well known for her own comfort. And so she left. She was good at that. She traveled to West Gate. She had heard that there were good job opportunities there and that one could get lost in the crowd. She wanted to try the free lance thing for a while. No guilds. While doing one job she accidently bumped into Galan. They were both trying to rip off the same building. One of them had tripped the alarm (Both were certain it was the other) alerting the guards to their presence. There was a chase, some co-operative working on their part and a lot of hiding. Suffice it to say hilarity ensued. Mostly for Galan. Even while running from the guards he was striking up a conversation with her. She didn't see the humor in the situation but at the end of it all he had her laughing. It was good to laugh like that again for her. She had cut herself off from everyone, being more at ease in the shadows than with other people. He offered to buy her a drink and although she at first refused, he talked her into it. At the bar that night some man was making lewd comments towards Kisha. He ended up paying for their drinks that evening (Although he didn't know it) After a night of long conversations (mostly on Galan's part. He loved to talk and Kisha was good at listening) they became friends. He told her of how he wanted to one day own this bar and she told of how she wanted to...make money. For what? She didn't know. She had by this point abandoned the idea of one day getting a hold of her mother. She didn't care enough to do it anymore. As for her brother? She doubted that she would ever make herself 'respectable'and besides, he was probably better off without knowing her. She had made some enimies. Nothing as powerful as a Lord or even a guild's master but she was known for burning her bridges. And so started many a night of joint robbings between the two. They had met when they were both 18 and they were still fast friends when she finally left West Gate at 21. She had managed to stay out of any guilds in that time but the pressure was heavy. Even Galan was constantly on her to join. And West gate itself left a bad taste in her mouth. So she left for the near by town of Tessier. It was only a matter of time before she was approached by the Deep Shadows. Ralan's pitch is what won her over. He could help her make money and he would let her do it as an independant. After about a month or two he approached her with a new job. He had some friends he wanted her to party up with. Apparently they were doomed if they came to a locked door. At first she was hesitant to agree. He had promised solitude for her after all. But he told her that she could remain in the shadows the whole time and that the take would be more than worth it. She could keep whatever cut she got from the party without having to share with Ralan. And from the way he made it sound whatever cut she got from them would make the jobs she was pulling off for Ralan seem like small beans. Could she really pass that up? No. And so she went...and the rest is known.