Tragiacally Hip

Ahead By A Century

             First we'd climb the tree
             and maybe then we'd talk
             or sit silently
             and listen to our thoughts
             with illusions of someday
             casting a golden light
             no dress rehearsal,
             this is our life

             that's where the hornet stung me
             and I had a feverish dream
             with revenge and doubt
             tonight, we smoke them out
 You are ahead by a century

             Stare in the morning shroud
             and then the day began
             I tilted your cloud,
             you tilted my hand
             rain falls in real time
             and rain fell through the night
             no dress rehearsal, this is our life

             That's when the hornet stung me
             and I had a serious dream
             with revenge and doubt
             tonight, we smoke them out

             You are ahead by a century
             but this is our life
             and disappointing you's gettin’ me down

Nautical Disaster

I had this dream where I relished the fray
                                 and the screaming filled my head all day
                              It was as though I had been spit here, settled in
                             into the pocket of a lighthouse on some rocky socket
                                     off the coast of France, dear

                           One afternoon, four thousand men died in the water here
                               and five hundred more were thrashing madly
                                    as parasites might in your blood
                            Now I was in a lifeboat designed for ten and ten only
                               anything that systematic would get you hated
                            It's not a deal not a test nor a love of something fated
                               The selection was quick, the crew was picked
                                      and those left in the water
                             got kicked off our pantleg and we headed for home

                                Then the dream ends when the phone rings
                                       you doing alright he said
                                   it's out there most days and nights
                                     but only a fool would complain
                                       Anyway Susan, if you like
                             our conversation is as faint as a sound in my memory
                                 as those fingernails scratching on my hull

   so take, take me home