Thought for May 5th, 2004

Prof: "That was in another country, gentlemen... As I was saying before I
was so rudely interrupted by one of my multiple personalities. . . troublesome
little beasts... consider the Ancient Mariner without curare, lasso, bulbocapnine
or straitjacket, albeit able to capture and hold a live audience... What is his hrump
gimmick? He he he he. . . He does not, like so-called artists at this time, stop just
anybody thereby inflicting unsent-for boredom and working random hardship...
He stops those who cannot choose but hear owing to already existing relation between
The Mariner (however ancient) and the uh Wedding Guest...

    "What the Mariner actually says is not important... He may be rambling, irrelevant,
even crude and rampant senile. But Something happens to the Wedding Guest like
happens in psychoanalysis when it happens if it happens. If I may be permitted a slight
digression... an analyst of my acquaintance does all the talking-patients listen patiently
or not... He reminisces... tells dirty jokes (old ones)... achieves counterpoints of idiocy
undreamed of by The County Clerk. He is illustrating at some length that nothing can ever
be accomplished on the verbal level. . . He arrived at this method through observing that The 
Listener-The Analyst-was not reading the mind of the patient. . . The patient-The Talker-was
reading his mind. . . That is, the patient has ESP awareness of the analyst's dreams and schemes
whereas the analyst contacts the patient strictly from front brain. . . Many agents use this approach-
they are notoriously long-winded bores and bad listeners...
    "Gentlemen I will slop a pearl: You can find out more about someone by talking than by
Pigs rush up and the Prof pours buckets of pearls into a trough...
    "I am not worthy to eat his feet," says the fattest hog of them all.
    "Clay anyhoo."

William S. Burroughs
        Naked Lunch