Tanks 1 & 2
These 32 gal and 29 gal planted tanks, are for growing out juveniles for future breeders.
Tanks 3 & 4
Tank 3,(upper),is a 25 gal breeder tank for my female Silver Pearlscale X male Sliver Ghost Pearlscale.This pair parent raises,and I rarely seperate them.They spawn about once a month,depending on when I move the fry.Tank 4 is a 20H gal used for fry growout.
Tanks 5 & 6
The upper tank is a 25 gal breeder tank,and the lower tank is a 10 gal tank.The 25 gal houses my first pair.They are Zebra`s and they parent raise.The 10 gal doubles as an egg hatchery or for fry growout.