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Hey. yuh know. This works a lot bettter in Netscape!


Welcome to

Are you frustrated by management?

Are you frustrated with the union?

Are you frustrated with your peers being just plain lazy day after miserable day?

Well ---- this is the place to make your opinions clear.

But !!!!! Unlike the union we will not use real names. Psuedonyms will suffice quite well. If real names are used we will delete as we are advised. If there are any repercussions the onus is on the person placing the input. The views expressed here are purely those of the writer and the page owner accepts no responsibility for inaccurate and/or libelous input.

If you have something to say e-mail us at  or sign our guestbook. Warning: e-mails may be published.

Check out the message board. Its getting some action. Unlike the CUPW boards it is down right ugly!!

View our guestbook!

We are now accepting nominations for lazy posties -- like real doggers. Please submit their psuedonyms in our guest book. The nominator needs a name too! These will all be listed in our doggers page.

Would anyone like to create and link up a sister site? I can send HTML templates and how-tos.

Try our e-mail discussion page.E-page

Send your favorite Dogger a bill for services rendered.

Just for fun try Spirograph

Message Board

Notes  Dogger E-page