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Other unknown Birds

The animals listed here are birds which do not fir into either of the other categories, but which remain unlisted in the offical encyclopedias. This is an artificial assemblage, and consists of birds not already listed, including songbirds and parrots.

  • Passenger pigeon (Michigan, Wisconsin, New Jersey NA): Reported rarely from some of the eastern states. Passenger pigeons were highly social birds, and required the company of hundreds of their fellows in order to stay mentally stable. Since flocks of such a magnitude would be hard not to notice today, I highly doubt any passengers survive.

  • Carolina parakeet (South Carolina NA): The Carolina parakeet was a small member of the parrot family which ranged right up the Atlantic seaboard of the US. It was nearly wiped out by hunting, and when bans came into action it was presumed too late and the bird was declared to be extinct. However, the birds are still seen in South Carolina, and since it was hunting which supposedly wiped them out, there is no reason why they should be extinct if we have stopped hunting them entirely.

  • Green turaco (Kigezi, Uganda AFRICA): A turaco-like bird which has very little red colouring on it. Turacos are African birds characterised by their unique red pigment, known as turacin, found only in the feathers of turacos. Turacos usually have very much red in their plumage, but this one is said to have only a tiny streak on it's wings. Definitely a new species.

  • Kenyan black swift (Marsabit Mountain in Kenya AFRICA): A large, all black swit that has been sighted in Kenya. It may be a new species of swift, but I think it's more likely to be a new species of "river martin". There are two known species, one from Asia and one from Africa, and they are unusually large, and all black with red eyes. This bird may be a mountain living species.

  • Long-tailed mountain bird (Matthew's Range in Kenya AFRICA): A grey bird with chesnut coloured tail coverts and very long tail plumes has been seen repeatedly in the Matthews mountain range in Kenya. I have no information on what kind of bird this may be, and would appreciate any info on the subject.

  • Huia (New Zealand OCEANA): The huia was one of the three New Zealand "wattlebirds", a strange group of birds whos relationship to other birds is somewhat obscure. The huia was allegedly wiped out in the early 1900's, but some are still seen on-and-off to this day. They may or may not still be alive today.

  • Black bird-of-paradise (Goodenough Island OCEANA): A black bird of paradise with a long tail has been seen on Goddenough Island in the Pacific. No such bird is supposed to exist there. This is probably a new species.