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This section includes links to other cryptozoological sites, including a wealth of information.

  • The official cz website, plenty of information offered to those who use the forum. A must-visit site.

  • Virtual Institute of Cryptozoology - An extremely good site. Most of the information is in French, but there is an English version which offers many english-language articles. Not worth missing out on.

  • N.E.A.C.R.P. - A website devoted to cryptids of North-Eastern Arkansas. Includes a link to "...On the Track Of...", a website containing ground-breaking theroies on various cryptids. A definite must-visit.

  • The Cryptozoology Underground - A compilation of cryptozoological information, including a forum. Has an extensive list of cryptids, but few articles. What articles are there, however, are of high-quality.

  • Australian Hominid Research - A comprehensive site devoted to Australia's yowie. A wealth of information and lengthy sightings archive.

  • Chad Arment's Cryotzoology - A very good site, includes articles on various cryptozoological subjects, a comprehensive list of cryptids world-wide, and the North American BioFortean Reveiw, a fine cryptozoological publication available for free in .pdf format.

  • GUST Zoology File - A site in both English and Swedish, run by Jan Sundberg and the GUST staff. Has a multitude of lake monster and sea serpent information, a long with info on GUST expeditions.

  • Dale Cozort's Cryptozoology Page - Includes articles on cryptozoological topics and archives of old messages from mailing lists. Contains much interesting information.

  • British Columbian Scientific Cryptozoology Club - A BC-centered cz site, with lots of information on lake monsters and homins. A must-visit for British Columbians like myself.

  • Cryptozoologix - A Canadian crypto-site with a lot of good information, and a really cool applet on the entrance page. It is also the only place which offers information on cryptophytology, the study of unknown plants.

  • Joe's Cryptozoology Pages - Another all Canadian site, it includes a couple articles on cryptids, references to werewolves and windigoes as cryptids, and exclusive information on the new sasquatch tracks found in Ontario. Definitely worth checking out.

  • The Cryptid Feild Guide - An extensive list of cryptids and some cryptozoological success stories. The list is fairly complete, and the number of articles is growing. An excellent site for research.

  • History of the Ozark Howler - A site devoted to the Ozark Howler and proving that the hoaxes are not all that the howler is limited to. This should clear up any misconception that the Ozark Howler is just a hoax, becuase it is not.

  • The Cryptoweb- Andrew Gable's site, includes a couple of extensive articles and several shorter, info-packed articles on various cryptids. Many of the pages don't work, but what does work is definitely worth taking a look at.

  • Centre Cryptos - A truly excellent website, offers so much information on all kinds of little-known cryptids. It is entirely in French, however, and if you (like me) can't read, speak, or comprehend the French language, you'll need to translate it at AltaVista or something.