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About Me And my Family

Hi! This is my website. I'd like to say I did it all by myself, but I guess Mom helped me a little bit. I did tell her how to scan the pictures and stuff tho'. This is mostly for my family, 'cause Mom always forgets to send new pictures out to people who want them (she's famous for that!). Anyway, along with pictures of yours truly (me!), there's pictures of my whole family, along with my cows, horses, dogs, cat, and even my brother and other critters. So, just follow those things that Mom calls links, and you'll see everything and everyone,including my new ducklings!

In case you don't know me well, I'll tell you some stuff about me. #1, I love vehicles!!! We have a Ford crewcab, cuz we need all that room, and we still don't have enuf room. Dad likes Fords, so that's what we buy. But I like to bug Dad and tell him I like Dodges. (Dodge is a dirty word at home, not bad enuf to get your mouth washed out with soap, but close!) Anyway, I tell Daddy I really like Grandpa's Dodge, hehe. (Well, Grandpa likes it so... so do I) I like heavy machinery too, the bigger the better!) Mom and Dad tell me I used to cry when Dad got the cat running, but I don't believe them. We had a drilling rig here to drill us a new well, and it was really neat. It went wayyyyy down into the ground, and the further it went the more unhappy mom and dad looked, I don't know why, something about money and depth, whatever that is. #2 I like animals alot. My dogs are the greatest, and they love me. I guess they didn't care about me much when I was a baby, probably cause I was kind of boring then, but we have lots of fun now. When we were building our house, Mom was upstairs in the house and looked out the window, and there I was, haha, running up the hill, with my buddy Teagan beside me. (Boy, was Mom's face ever red when she finally caught up to us) I think my brother was supposed to be watching me, but well, you know.... oh well. And Hanna and Basil love me lots too, Basil always wants me to throw sticks and stuff for him...he'll even go in the water to get them, and he gets stuff for dad like ducks and geese. But dad said Basil couldn't do that anymore because Basil was getting to old, and he hurt his leg when he fell in the cattleguard, and it hasn't been the same. So poor Basil is retired I guess you would say. He still goes to work sometimes with dad, and sleeps in dad's office and goes out in the bush with him. Basil really loves dad. Our other dog is Hanna, man can she snore! Mom hit dad once when she thought he was snoring, but it wasn't dad, it was Hanna, and she was outside! Ha ha. Dad wasn't very happy with mom, thinking it was dad making all that noise. Bad move mom. Geeze (dad does snore tho'). And we got a new dog, her name is Luz. Well, Mom says her registered name is Graymar's Mountain Blessing, but we still call her Luz. She is a Pyrenees Mountain Dog, and she's going to keep all of our animals safe from coyotes and stuff. She is supposed to protect us too...we'll see. And did I mention I love to eat? Eating is one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes I even fall asleep while eating. My favorite is bow ties...nummmmm.