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The Phantom Menace ( Sept 19, 1999 ):
Series opener. Sam begins a journalism assignment that ask the question of why kids are and want to be popular. Carmen decieds to try out for cheerleading, as Brooke tries to deal with the pressures of being popular. Josh tries out for the school play.

Mo' Menace, Mo' Problems ( Sept 30, 1999 ):
Carmen deals with the after math of the cheerleaders decision, as do Nicole and Brooke. Josh feels pressure to give up the musical, and Sam tries to enter into the popular world and angers her friends. Sam and Brooke learn something about their parents.

Under Siege ( October 7, 1999 ):
Brooke and Sam are forced to sit down to a family dinner when Sam's cheerleading expose hits the halls of Kennedy High. Josh must choose betwen starring in the school play or playing in the homecoming game.

Windstruck ( October 14, 1999 ):
Rumors spread when Sam and Josh share an intimate moment during play rehearsal. Things get worse when Brooke reveals that she and Josh are still virgins.

Slumber Party Massacre ( October 21, 1999 ):
Sam questions the motives of the cheerleaders when they agree to go to Carmen's slumber party, and her suspsions are confirmed when things begin to take an ugly turn. Brooke and Josh's romantic randazous is interrupted.

Truth or Consequences ( Nov 4, 1999 ):
Animosity deepens when Brooke and Sam discover their parents have been lying to them. Sam tries to expose cheating ring in bio as well as try to ruin Brooke's perfect image after learning that her mother's clandestine relationship with Sam's father. A food fight breaks out.

Queen B ( Nov 11, 1999 ):
Brooke works over time on her image when homcoming queen nominations are announced, and she's got some tough competion from Mary Cherry and her mom. Sam helps Carmen take the high road on the campaign trail.

Tonights the Night ( Nov 18, 1999 ):
Brooke and Sam wage an unscrupulous bet, Brooke is trying to prove her relationship with Josh is more than physical, and Sam trys to land a boyfriend. Lily launches a condom give away, and she and Harrison consider having sex.

Wild, Wild Mess ( December 2, 1999 ):
Brooke worries about some inconclusive test results; students compete in a "Principal for a Day" school contest.

Fall on Your Knees ( Decemeber 9, 1999 ):
Brooke and Sam reluctantly mix their family holiday tradtions and bring their friends together for Christmas dinner. Nicole turns her scroge attitude towards the holidays into an evil streak, and as a result gets taken through the Dicken's Christmas Classic, A Christmas Carol, "with a Popular twist."

Ex, Lies, And Videotapes ( Jan 13, 2000 ):
Josh's decision to star in the school musical causes tension at home; a national televion program chooses Brooke and Sam to produce a segment about popularity.

The Trial Emory Dick ( Jan 20, 2000 ):
Emory Dick puts the whole school on trial for mistreating him.

Hope in a Jar ( Jan 27, 2000 ):
A Sadie Hawkins dance has most of the students obsessing over their appearances, while Brooke considers inviting a young man of substance. Meanwhile, Nicole, Poppy, and Mary Cherry follow a dangerous crash diet: the one who loses the most weight gets to ask out the gorgeous guy they all pine for.

Caged ( Feb 3 2000 ):
Mounting tensions between Sam's friends and Brooke's clique lead to a proposed rumble, but the guys intervene and lock the ladies in the school bathroom in an attempt to makethem reconcile. Meanwhile, Josh, Harrison, and Sugar Daddy get an educationonn ovulation from a nature film provided by Bobbie Glass.

An Officer and A Gentleman ( Feb 10, 2000 ):
Sam and Brooke are inadvertently responsible for sendingthe callous Nicole to the school's new bootcamp style Sensitivity Camp for the weekened along with Josh, Harrison, and Sugar Daddy, who were sentenced for making lewd comments at Lily. Carmen and Mary Cherry gloat in the boys' brutal training until some lascivious locker room for spyingmake them guilty of sexual harrassment and land them alongside their friends.

All About Adam ( Feb 27, 2000 ):
A new male student (Wentworth Miller) sets out to join the cheerleading squad---by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Sam bests Brooke in a modeling contest and nets an opportunity to appear in a commercial with U.S. Women's World Cup soccer stars Tiffeny Milbrett and Tisha Venturini (who appear as themselves).

Lord of the Files ( Feb 24, 2000 ):
A new vice-principal (Robert Grant) joins Kennedy High and his good looks draw the attention of the female students. Meanwhile, Brooke lies to Carmen about a tattoo she claims was inspired by Josh, so Carmen suspects that Brooke may want her old beau back; and Emory tells Harrison that a grade-school music teacher was once impressed with Harrison's music skills.