Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Fanciers of Canada
(last update June 28)
UPDATE: The PBGVFC now has a full slate on the Board of Directors. Final decision on the Executive Positions will be made by ballot July 1st. For Biographies on our 4 candidates just click on the following links -
The Board of Directors duties listed below are based on the Great Pyrenees Club of Canada Bylaws and may be amended. All discussions about the Club's future is being done on the CanadaPBGV email list at YahooGroups.
CODE: + means CKC member
The President shall be chief executive officer of the Club and shall have the normal powers and duties pertaining to the supervision and management of similar organizations, and
- a. shall preside as Chair at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors,
- b. coordinate and develop ideas and suggestions presented by the members, Directors, or other bodies into motions for the Board of Directors,
- c. appoint members to the various committees approved by the Board of Directors,
- d. prepare, develop, or coordinate all instruments necessary under the objectives of the Constitution for final approval by the Board of Directors,
- e. respond, through the office of the Secretary, to all correspondence from members and the public,
- f. insure liaison and communication channels are open between the Club and similar organizations around the world, and
- g. recommend disciplinary action to the Board of Directors.
The Vice President shall have the normal powers and duties appurtenant to the President in the event of the President's absence, incapacity, or death.
- Susan Buttivant, Ontario +
- Ruth Courtney Beck, Prince Edward Island
- Sally Mieske, Nova Scotia +
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors and record all facts and minutes of all proceedings in the books kept for that purpose, and
- a. prepare any and all submissions to the CKC when approved by the Board of Directors and the members,
- b. insure that decisions of the Board of Directors must be submitted in writing to voting Directors sixty (60) days prior to the decision deadline,
- c. prepare and publish all reports on the activities of the Club during the year,
- d. maintain an up to date membership list,
- e. insure that Regional Clubs, Active and Associate Club members be notified sixty (60) days prior to the renewal date deadline that their membership fees are due, and
- maintain an efficient organization to carry out the business of the Club.
- Susan Buttivant, Ontario +
- Ruth Courtney Beck, Prince Edward Island
- Sally Mieske, Nova Scotia +
The Treasurer shall collect and deposit all monies due, or belonging to, the Club in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, in the name of the Club and
- a. the books shall at all times be open to inspection by the Board of Directors,
- b. shall report to the Board of Directors at every meeting the condition of the Club's finances and every item of receipt, and account of all monies received and expended during the previous fiscal year, and
- c. insure that an audited statement is published at the end of each year.
- Susan Buttivant, Ontario +
- Ruth Courtney Beck, Prince Edward Island
- Sally Mieske, Nova Scotia +
DIRECTORS (3 positions)
The duties of the Board of Directors (Executive & Directors combined) shall be as follows;
- a. to further the objectives and purposes set forth in the Consitution and Bylaws,
- b. to maintain an efficient communication between members of his/her region and the Club,
- c. to duly consider, and conscientiously decide on, issues brought to its attention by the Executive Council, and
- d. to develop policies, educational programs, standards, codes of ethics, awards and any other medium designed to promote the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen and to enhance the reputation, credibility, and equity of the Club.
PBGVFC Directors:
- Pat Corsiatto, Alberta +
- Michele Cousineau, Quebec +
- Kristina McLane, Prince Edward Island
- Sharon Armstrong, British Columbia
- Susan Buttivant, Ontario
- Pat Corsiatto, Alberta
- Ruth Courtney Beck, Prince Edward Island
- Michele Cousineau, Quebec
- Sally Mieske, Nova Scotia
- Franci Holtslander (pending), Saskatchewan
- ?, Manitoba
- ?, New Brunswick
- ?, Newfoundland & Labrador
- ?, Territories
- Martin & Wendy Doherty, Ontario
- Franci Holtslander, Saskatchewan
- Harry Jeffries, Alberta
- Ginette Noel, Ontario
- Pam Rippin, New Brunswick
- plus several from the United States
To access our Club Archives go to our Website
For information on our National Club, or to request an application form, send an email to our current BC Director
Thank you!

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c/o Sharon Armstrong
9400 Beckwith Road
Richmond, BC V6X 1V9
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