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The Truth As Expounded
By Bro. John Thomas -- A Finality

By Bro. Robert Roberts, Dec. 1877

A current pamphleteer writes-

"The fact of Dr. Thomas having arrived at a certain point ought not to deter us from adding to our faith knowledge...We have had the benefit of his experience and of his struggle for the Truth. We have had the advantage of his writings, and may say we begin where he left off. But are we to remain here? Surely not. If we can bring out the luster of his own writings by shaking off that incubus of unscriptural ideas and expressions which have beclouded the minds of many, then we shall be progressing. But to stand still is dangerous, and to retrograde is worse."

This is a very plausible speech, but what does it mean? It either means that we have not attained to a knowledge of the Truth; or that having done so we are not to remain grounded and settled in it, but-like the Athenians-are to be always itching after some new thing. In either case, we beg respectfully but firmly to differ from the pamphleteers.

If Dr. Thomas has developed the Truth, he has developed a finality, because the Truth is a finality. And that he has done this WE KNOW, because it is a matter admitting of knowledge. If others are uncertain, let them be uncertain. We will not join them in sapping the foundations of confidence.

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