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One Thing Only Can Separate Us From God

By Robert Roberts

There is one thing, and one only, can separate us from God's love. It is this-- "Your iniquities have separated between you and your God" (Isa. 59:2). God will have no regard for those who forget Him or neglect His commandments. Those who sink into a state of self-service; who let God slip from their practical recognitions, His Word from their studies. His honor from their concern, His commandments from their lives, will awake to find that where life and death, and men and angels, and heaven and earth, were powerless to interpose an obstacle between them and the friendly regard of the Almighty, their own folly has done it without further remedy.

God is love; but our God is also a "consuming fire." He will not be mocked. He will not be put off with the fag-ends of our service. He demands the WHOLE heart and the WHOLE life; and he who refuses the call is not his own friend. For there will come a time when the man who has served himself will find he has served a master who can only pay him at last with tribulation, and anguish, and death; while the man who obeys the divine call will at the same period discover that in making God his portion, he has secured the joyful eternal inheritance of all things. --February, 1877

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