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General Writing & Research

We have writers who can meet your needs - no matter what your format or content requirements are. Communication and effective writing are extremely valuable skills - in high demand in the 21st century.

Whether you need to research a specific topic or collect data for your job or are planning to make a major purchase, we can help you find the best materials and most current information. If you need a writer for a short, one-time project or one to handle your on-going writing needs - we are here to be at your service. We will complete your assignments with care and diligence.

Writing Research
  • resume writing
  • portfolio development
  • personal correspondence
  • personalized children's stories
  • love letters and poems
  • song lyrics
  • writing tutorial materials
  • personalized greeting cards
  • editing
  • ghostwriting
  • autobiographies & memoirs
  • general searches
  • consumer reports
  • college & university requirements
  • job markets
  • geneology searches
  • grant proposals
  • travel information
  • employability skills
  • any subject you need to research

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