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"0600 hours. Regeneration cycle complete," the
Computer states. Your eyes flicker open and you step
out of your alcove. You feel energized and your mind
is clear. This morning you have an exam scheduled
with the doctor at 0615 hours and then breakfast with
Naomi Wildman at 0645 hours. At 0715 hours your duty
shift starts in Astrometrics.
You walk over to a small mirror in the corner and
check your appearance. Your hair is pinned back in
its usual style and your plum catsuit is clean.

You leave your cargo bay and head towards Sickbay.
When you enter, you see that it is empty. "Computer
activate EMH," you order. The Doctor materializes and
walks toward you. He is smiling and despite your
stony expression, you feel more at ease all of a
"Well good morning Seven! Here for your weekly exam?
Have a seat!!" he says happily.

You get up onto biobed 2 and put out your hand. The
doctor starts his scans.
"So how are you feeling?" he asks.
"Well," you state.
"Anything you want to ask me about? Concerns?" he
"None," you reply.
He continues with his scans and then closes up his
medical tricorder. "Well you're in perfect shape.
You may leave."
You raise yourself off the bed and head towards the

"Ah, Seven, one more thing...." the doctor calls.
You turn around and take a few steps toward the
hologram. He seems anxious.... it is curious to you.
"Seven, I was wondering if you'd like to join me on
the holodeck this evening at 2000 hours?" he asks
"For what purpose?" you say coldly.
"Oh, I was just thinking that we could maybe sing a
little, socialize....."

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