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Written by YOU and Heather!!!
"); writeln ("

One day, " + form.input1.value + " was walking down the hall towards " + form.input2.value + ". When he got there, he looked around. His eyes fell upon " + form.input3.value + ". She was standing in the corner keeping to herself. " + form.input1.value + " took a deep beath and started to walk towards " + form.input3.value + ". When he was halfway there, "); writeln ("" + form.input4.value + " stepped in front of " + form.input1.value + " and said, 'I need your help. The " + form.input5.value + " is malfunctioning. I need you to replicate a " + form.input6.value + " and bring it to engineering at 20:00 hours.' " + form.input1.value + " nodded his head. Then he looked over to where "); writeln ("" + form.input3.value + " had been. She was gone! Quickly, he grabbed some " + form.input7.value + " and asked the computer to locate her. '" + form.input3.value + " is in " + form.input8.value + "'."); writeln ("" + form.input1.value + " headed there. Upon arriving there, " + form.input1.value + " rubbed his " + form.input9.value + " in frustration. 'What should I say to her?' he thought. He stepped into the room and couldn't believe his eyes. " + form.input3.value + " was wearing a beautiful " + form.input10.value + " "); writeln ("" + form.input11.value + ". 'Hello, " + form.input1.value + ",' she said. 'Care to go " + form.input12.value + "?' When " + form.input1.value + " said yes, she came over to him smiling and planted a kiss on his " + form.input13.value + ". He was speechless..."); writeln ("
"); writeln ("
"); } } } // --> A LOVE STORY

"A Love Story"

Male Voyager Crewmember:
Room on Voyager:
Female Voyager Crewmember:
Another Voyager Crewmember:
Piece of Voyager Technology:
Food Item:
Another Room on Voyager:
Body Part:
Item of Clothing:
Activity Ending With "ing":
Another Body Part:

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