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Anti-Pokemon poems!! Everybody loves 'em!
We love them! Send them in!

Joy to the world squirtle's dead,
We barbecued his head!
What happened to his she-e-ell,
We sent it down to he-e-ell,
We buuuurned it for fun,
We buuuurned it for fun,
We bu-u-u-u-u-urned it for fun!

By Michael

We'll cut up Pikachu and see what's inside,
It's gonna be bloody so bring out the Tide,
Lemon fresh cleaner will wash off your shirt,
Then take the limp body and stuff it with dirt,
Hold it up for the world to see,
And watch all the sadists chuckle with glee,
This is my recipe for Pikachu's death,
Next time we'll make Charmander a mess!

By Dylan

Charmander's tail is a danger it's true,
but his tiny flame's no match for my shoe,
I'll kick his damn face in, it is my quest,
to gut that thing open from naval to chest,
his eyes will glaze over, his flame will die out,
then I must clean my socks off with shout,
guaranteed to clean your clothes of those stains,
so don't be afraid to stomp on it's brains,
Charmander was fun, I must agree,
but next it'll be Squirtle I maim with glee.

By Dylan

That show is really boring,
In 5 minutes I am snoring.
We should stab in the back,
The guy who thought that.
Pikachu was so cute and sweet,
But now smells worse than my feet.
So we should hurt and maim and beat,
The Japanese TV elite.
Who let that show go on the air,
For with them we do not care.

Matthew Lamantia

Squirtle's power is water, but it will soon be his end,
I'll twist his neck, and just like a spring it'll bend,
Then up his nose I'll stick a hose,
Then turn it on 'til he swells up and blows,
Head will go one way, lower body another,
Then his shell will go fly off and it will kill his brother,
Aright! Two for one,
And both go to hell,
Then on to Ash, and his animal smell,
I'll kill arcanine so it will not bark,
Then I'll take Ash's head off with a stab in the dark,

By Dylan

Lets start with Pikachu, that cute little git.
he'll say "Pi-a-chu", then he'll get hit!
Take off his head, throw it in the toilet,
or burn it or smash it or even boil it.
then well put his body in the fire in flames,
or we could throw around and play good games.
Take his ashes, throw it to the crowd above,
watch them cry over Pikachu the one they loved!
That's what I want for my cute little git.
He'll say " Pi-ka-chu" and it starts with a hit!!

By Kam

