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Created by Natasha-2 & Rebel130

    My Precious Darling

I want you to know I am always with you,
Everywhere you go and in everything you do
I'll be your next smile, when your feeling blue
I am a part of you, as you are part of me

We were meant to love, it was our destiny
I am deep inside of you, beating within your heart
Even though we're far away, we're never truly apart
Every emotion that you feel please know I feel it too

Whether you are happy, sad, joyful or feeling blue
The love we share is powerful and so very strong
Nothing on earth can change it, together we belong
If you ever need me, just close your eyes

You'll feel my touch within, I'm sure you'll recognize
I will be right there to hold you, Oh so very tight
When we are together, everything will work our right
So when you need me, know I am always there

I'll always be part of you and I shall forever care
Our love is so much deeper than any ocean blue
I'll forever be there to hold and care for you
So just close your eyes, think of me and smile

I will forever love you, forever is a long long while

My Darling Bear

You are my never ending sunshine
You are my eternal brightness

You rekindle rays of hope within me
You lighten every shadowed corner

You are my flickering flame
You are my raging fire

You ignite my deepest thoughts
You torment my most hidden desires

You light up my entire existence
You are embedded in my soul forever

~~~ I will always love you ~~~

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