i am their no.1 fan because i reaspect them. i think that they all are equal and majorly talented. i said before that i don't have a fav because there is so much to like about each of them. they are just five good looking guys that want to be recocnized by their music and i surely can do that. i support them in every way and i would do anything to help them be succesfull. i think that is what a dedicated fan would do. respect and encourage all their accomplishments. i just want to say that BSB rules now and even when they do fade out(if ever) that i am their no.1 and many other girls say the same but, i can say that i am totally DEDICATED. and if they ever do fade i wil always be there to support them and stick w/them w/ what ever they descide to to w/ their lives. i also want say if the BSB's music doesn't touch anyone the way they touch me that i don't care but, i am truly their No.1 fan. no matter if there is 50,000 more no.1 fans out there, they are special to me. and even if i don't win because i didn't know all the answers i will still LOVE their music more than anything.!!~~
For those of you guys who are interested, July's 'Who Said What?' was Howie D.
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