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Abraham Lincoln

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in the state of Kentucky USA. He lived in a log cabin on the frontier for his early days and much of his boy hood was spend swinging an ax. His father Thomas Lincoln worked many odd jobs, especially carpentry and could not read or write.

When Lincoln was 7 years old his family moved to Indiana, and two years later his mother, Nancy, died. So in 1819 Thomas remarried to Sarah Johnson who was a widow with 3 children. Abraham always remembered his stepmother with deep affection.

Black haired lean and lanky Abraham was a reportedly strong boy. Even though some thought him a bit lazy, laziness was actually a result of the measure he had to go through to educate himself. Abraham would read books out on the field while plowing, he would then grab a piece of corn bread after a days work, prop his legs up, and read such books as the adventures of Robinson Crusoe or Aesop's Fables. He would also read books on English grammar and the Bible mainly for its stories and poetic characterizations and rich poetic style.