Christian Fiction Index
Well, as I was making these pages, I realized it might be easier to find what you are looking for, if I organize them by author. So, that is what I have decided to do. Hopefully, when I get more time, (which won't be this month! haha), I will also organize them a bit by genre as well. A very evil friend of mine got me hooked on Christian Fiction (that would be you, KA). I guarantee that once you find the right genre of Christian Fiction for you, you too will get hooked!:)
Christian authors in alphabetical order.
T. Davis Bunn
Linda Chaikin
Christmas Stories
Robin Lee Hatcher
B.J. Hoff
Beverly Lewis
Karen Kingsbury
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
Nancy Moser
Janette Oke
Catherine Palmer
Francine Rivers
Gayle Roper
Bodie & Brock Thoene
Ellen Gunderson Traylor
Lori Wick
Always more to come!:)
Chapters links have been temporarily (I believe) disabled. I am working on adding other booksellers to this site. You will find new buttons taking you to these sites.

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