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Lori's Poem


My Dearest Dad

Please keep in mind, this man is dying

Please keep in mind, he's holding back crying

Though not new to you, it's all new to him

His world was once full, now only seems grim


Please keep in mind, this man is dying

Please keep in mind, he's holding back crying

He is a dear man, with feelings and needs

Not just an object to mishandle and squeeze


Please keep in mind, this man is dying

Please keep in mind, he's holding back crying

He needs you to listen, not only to hear

He says that he's hurting, you say "yes dear"


Please keep in mind, this man is dying

Please keep in mind, he's holding back crying

Let this man have his dignity, the little that's left

Let him go as he wishes, let this be your gift


Please keep in mind, our loved one is dying

Please keep in mind, we're holding back crying

We're hanging by threads, to memories now old

Holding tight to our loved one, his secrets now told