Links to other RA/SRA sites

How would you know
Book of poetry of the survival, recovery and claiming my life from SRA/RA abuse.
by Shelby Rising Eagle

Keepers Korner
Website by a survivor with MPD/DID, highlighted by her art, her writing and her SO's articles for other SOs. Her goal is to establish the Emily Ann Foundation to help others in abuse recovery and to help prevent future abuse.

Let The Truth Be Known
Advocacy for Victims of Ritual Abuse. Site created by a psychologist with a lot of information and articles about dissociation, ritual abuse and mind control.

Lion and Lamb Ministries
Articles, information about healing from SRA, mind control, and cult abuse for both survivors and counselors, with artwork and poems by survivors.

Mr. Light & Associates, Inc.
This site has been created to advocate for survivors of severe childhood trauma and educate professionals on the issues that surround childhood ritual abuse.

Persons Against Ritual abuse-Torture
Website for activism and information about RAT (ritual abuse torture).

Reflections of Light
Essays on child slavery, child pornography and sex trafficking, mind control, secret societies, ritual abuse, psychiatric abuse and government programming from the survivor's perspective.

Ritual Abuse Network
Very informative site with information and articles about cults, ritual abuse and mind control.

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing
Information and Resources for Survivors, Therapists and Others.

S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Page
S.M.A.R.T. is a newsletter for survivors, co-survivors, therapists and others interested in learning about how secretive organizations and certain governmental agencies may be connected to ritual abuse and mind control. They also have conferences on ritual abuse and Internet resources.

Survivorship is a non-profit organization created to support the healing of adult survivors of ritualized abuse. Run for and by survivors and their allies.

The SRA site
An on-line informational web page to discover what SRA ( Satanic Ritual Abuse ) is, and how to deal with issues that it brings into society and our lives.

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