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Sandy's Doll Designs

An in home Procelain Doll studio on beautiful Vancouver Island.


Porcelain dolls for your enjoyment. Perfect as a gift.

Each one is hand-made by me (unless otherwise noted)

from the mold to the finished doll.

I can change the clothes to any style you would like.

All prices are in Canadian funds and cheques must clear

before the doll is shipped.

Shipping is extra.

Antique Reproductions

Click on the name to see the picture and details.

Bye-Lo Baby 4"

Bye-Lo Baby 5"

Johann by Heubach 17"

Will be updated when more dolls are completed.

Modern Reproductions

Click on the name to see the picture and details.


Chris - Scioto 12"

Amber by Laura Cobabe 24"

Baby Bailey- Donna Rupert 24"

Carolin Bebe 19"

Ashley 11 1/2"

Elsie -soft body 22"

Elsie all porcelain 20"


Will be up-dated when dolls are completed.


Graphics and web page design by:

Sandy's Doll Designs