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The Cutlets

Jeff: bass, vocals Henry: vocals, guitar Mike: drums, vocals

The Cutlets are:
Henry: guitar, vocals
Jeff: bass, vocals
Mike: drums, vocals

The Cutlets are a three piece, steak eatin', barbeque havin', beer chuggin', chain smokin', wrestlin' watching punk band from Vancouver, BC. The Cutlets consist of members of The Francophobes and Soldiers of Misfortune (Jeff and Henry are in The Francophobes, Mike is in Soldiers of Misfortune). Henry started The Cutlets with Mike. Jeff was recruited to play the bass. The Cutlets write quick, snappy, straight ahead punk songs. The Cutlets plan to hold meat draws and free barbeques at their shows as well as frequent barbeques at Henry's house. I can almost hear the vegans knocking at the door now... Upcoming shows include Wednesday October 28th (Welfare Wednesday). All shows are at The Columbia, the only place the Cutlets don't refuse to play. *Note: There is a free barbeque and meat give-aways at all Cutlets shows. If this bothers you because of your political stance on meat eating, save us the trouble and stay home because we don't care. Patchoulie wearing hippies should also stay home... forever. No seriously, we mean it. So if you want to see probably the most un-P.C., un-vegan, unpolitical, unhealthy band of all time in action, go to one of those shows. In the meantime (until we get the new audio up here...), check out this .mp3 file: Fill In The Blank recorded long ago for free. You need a winamp player to hear this song so if you don't have one, get one!

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Site concept and maintenance by Jeff Franco for The Cutlets.