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My Art

Note: Some of these images are large, so please be patient. Thanks.

This is a small gallery of the art that I have done.
While it is not a complete reflection of all of my works, it is nonetheless a fair representation of my abilities.
These pictures were created in Adobe Photoshop 4, line drawn and then scanned in to paint (as most of my pictures are). The others (and they will be plain to note) were created in Bryce.

Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

The inspiration for this picture came from J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" series. Here depicts the struggle that Samwise had in freeing his friend Frodo from the clutches of the ancient spider, Shelob. The sword in Sam's hand is not his, but Frodo's that bears the name, Sting. It had a tendency to glow in the presence of the minions of Sauron.

Barad 'Dur
Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This is a another piece that came from the Tolkien inspiration.
Here is depicted the Fortress of Sauron in the land of Mordor, where the Shadow lies.

Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This is probably one of my favorite pieces that I have done to date. The satellite and the planet were created in Bryce2 and the rest was created in Adobe.
The whole thing took probably a day and a half (hour- wise that is), but it was a joy all the way through.

Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

A nice dark pic.
This one really got the old creative juices flowing. Another Blackhand original, this was inspired by a friend of mine.
He had sent me a picture of a spaceship (yes, you Leo) and I thought that I would try my hand at it. This is what came of it.
The ship alone took nearly seven hours to create.

Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This is one of my more liked images. The concept of this piece came from a roleplaying game that a freind of mine created.
This is the battle standard of the Wolfling armies. The weapon in the mailed fist is called a Korkri , a programmable thrown weapon. As the standard side arm of officers in today's military is a .45, this is the standard weapon of the Wolfling officers.
Note: the website to the roleplaying game from which this comes is still under construction, but I will provide a link when it is operational.

The Loss
Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This was a challenge, from beginning to end.
This is a splash page that I created as an attempt to try my hand at the comic format of art.
The source of this page comes from a particular event that happened during one session in the aforementioned roleplaying game.

The Guys
Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This is a piece that is inspired by the Davind Edding's Belgariad/Mallorean series.
It is, of course, my representation of the main male characters in the series. They are (right to left ):
Beldin, Belgarath, Sadi, Mandorallen (the knight), Durnik (with the axe),
Barak, Belgarion (with the burning sword), Hettar, and Silk (with the dagger).

Yesterday and Tomorrow
Shawn Squire. Copyright 1999.
All Rights Reserved.

This is an image that I spent one full mornig working on. It is, as are some of the others above, a Bryce creation, and for some reason, it has affected me profoundly.
The spacecraft at the fore is, if you have not guessed already, the first satellite to orbit our blue planet: Sputnik ( hence the reference for yesterday). At a lesser orbit over the planet is a half-constructed space station (hence the reference for tomorrow).

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