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Cassiday ancestors

William and Martha Cassiday

William Cassiday was born April 17,1813 in Wayne Co. Ohio. He died in 1891 in Lucas, Iowa. Martha Williamson married William in Bonaparte, Iowa on June 3, 1833. Born July 11, 1821 in Scioto Co., Iowa, Martha died in Lucas, Iowa in 1890. William was an engineer/contractor. William's eldest brother, John, is pictured below.

John Cassiday and family

Standing: John W. Cassiday, Laura Cassiday Haight, Lizetta Cassiday Hunter, Sarah Jane Cassiday Rice Seated: Margaret Ann Cassiday Newsom, John Cassiday, Ester Cassiday Newcomb, Rachel Cassiday Porter. John Cassiday was born Oct. 21, 1800 in Washington Co. Pa. He died May 12, 1886. Pictured above are 5 of the 12 children of his first marriage to Sarah McGee and the 2 children (Laura and Lizetta) of his second marriage to Elizabeth McKeever.

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