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In the early part of 1998, I was fortunate to assist in the trapping, tagging, and relocating of a bunch of turkeys in Washington state. This was my initiation into the world of turkey hunting and the promise of hunting them once the season rolled around really had me stoked. Here Wayne hangs on to a nice hen just before tagging.


Opening day of the season recognised this motley crew; from left to right is Gooseman, Washington, Martha, Buck, and Wayne. Diane and Canuck2 were wise enough to be absent from the picture.


Here's the Gooseman with his nice turkey. He was the only one of us to connect this trip. We did see a bunch of birds and had a whale of a time trying to outsmart them; they were just more intelligent than us most of the time.


NEW STUFF! See 2000 turkey season in Washington under the '2000 Season' button.

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