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I updated the site.  Now leave me alone.

Nobody does potatoes like we do.  Seriously, if I find somebody who does, I will hunt them down.  Then we'll see.  I can not be defeated.  Im going to put some pants on now. Crap. I don't own any.

Yeah I got bored and updated it again.  Whatever.  I've been sick the past week.  It's Sunday, its midnight, and I'm not going to school tomorrow.  I hope you like the new nav.   The old one was messing up the margins.  I've got some spare painkillers if anyone wants them.  Maybe we can mash them up and convince Alan that it's really cocaine.  Then while he's trying to snort it, we hit him over the head with a tack-hammer.

                                                                                                                                                                                               - Jim

Well Phantom, ya made the front page!

Dear Phantom,
    I have read your posts and can see why this may be offensive 
to outsiders. Because that's what they are- outsiders. And please 
don't complain about us holding ourselves above other people. 
We've been the bottom our whole fucking lives. I was the last kid 
picked all the time. I was the one who was picked on for being 
fat. You know what? I was even fucking urinated on. You can bet 
your ass Im bitter. Now, if you'll take the time to sort through 
the posts and maybe even read the guestbook, you will see who 
exactly came to who. Noyes came to us. And Im betting that YOU 
are noyes. When you come into an environment that you can see is 
somewhat hostile with your fucking guns blazing, you're going to 
be shot down. So fuck you.
    And another thing- unoriginal? Unclever? Do you honestly 
believe that I'm going to have my opinions and standpoints 
altered by you? Its funny to us. We aren't here to get your 
approval or acceptance. We try to make eachother laugh because 
let's face it- we ARE the fucking weak and the unnacceptable. So 
we're going to lash out. And we're going to offend. Don't even 
start on lecturing me about "cleverness" or "originality". You 
can fuck your originality, we emulate the things we enjoy. Its 
human nature. And cleverness? We all think that we're clever. 
What is so wrong with that? With enjoying the things that we all 
put on the plate, and thinking to ourselves "touche!" and even 
thinking of ourselves as witty? Don't fucking complain because we 
don't live up to your standards. Don't fight hypocrasy with 
hypocrasy. Come back when you have something legitimate to say.
    The people in the crazy clowns couldn't be in the 
buttercupgang simply because they weren't people we liked. We're 
an organization of friends, so why should we allow people in if 
they aren't our friends? I'll have you know that every day i eat 
lunch with Josh Chinn, Brandon Lavin, and Ryan Stanyon. And I 
like them. Don't say that I hold myself above them.
    So go ahead. Reply. Tell me I'm lashing out, because you 
know what? I am lashing out. Are you telling me that my 
dissidence is wrong? It's wrong to be unhappy and spiteful 
because all you ever do and deal with turns to shit? I'd really 
like to hear you tell me that I'm a hypocrite and that I'm 
hurting people's feelings. Because its true. And you know what's 
worse? I don't fucking care.

Love always,




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