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Western Karanas
Main Quest page
Blessed Oil Quest:
Talk to Brother Estle, located on the road just as you enter the plains and he will tell you that he is waiting to get some blessed oil. Go to the Temple of Life in Qeynos and talk to one of the priests, who will give you the oil to deliver to the good monk. Take it back to him for some money, experience, and occasionally the prayer bead quest.

Brother Trintle:
Tell Suuspa Clanim in the Temple of Life in North Qeynos about Brother Trintle attacking Brother Estle and she is shocked and expresses the thought that Trintle must have been swayed by the words of Bertoxxulous. If you kill Brother Trintle in West Karanas you discover that indeed he is now a follower of Bertoxxulous. He has on him Broken Prayer beads, which when given to Suuspa will result in some decent faction hits. (Submitted by Sanas)

Cure for Lempeck Hargrim:
This is the quest for the Shining Star of Light, a 1HB cleric/paladin weapon. The quest starts with Aeston Wemore, the same cleric in the Temple of Life who gives the blessed oil quest. Apparantly Lempic Hargrim is sick and needs a special cure. He will tell you to go to Rivervale and find Kizzie Mintopp, and tell her that "I am from temple of life". She will then tell you to find some guy called Honeybugger outside in Misty Thicket and find out how to get honeycombs, because she needs them to make Honey Jum. Bring her the honeycombs and she makes the Honey Jum for you. You then need to give it back to the cleric who gave you the quest. He will make the Jum into a potion for Lempeck Hargrim of West Karana. Take the Potion to Lempeck, and receive a rusty scyth (Lore item version). I have been told that if your faction is not high enough with the Prieses of Life (probably at least amiable) he will attack and kill you, so be careful. Take the scyth back to the Aeston Wemore, and you get the shining star. Quickest method to complete the quest without all the talking: 1). Give Kizzie Mintopp 3 honeycombs and 5 gp for the Honey Jum. 2). Take Honey Jum to Cleric in temple of life (the one who gives the quest) and get Potion in return. 3). Take Potion to Lempeck Hargrim of West Karana and get LORE ITEM RUSTY SCYTH - NO DROP in return. His house is near the river bank, between the fields. 4). Take Rusty Scyth back to cleric in temple of life for the shining star of light. (Submitted by CloudKraken and Vertigo)

Gindlin's Poison:
: An NPC thief, called Gindlin Toxfodder, will make poison for you. He askes for a Giant Spider's Venom Sac, 20gp, and Crow's Special Brew (available from Crow at Crow's bar in Qeynos).I have been told you may have to go through a side quest involving Rat the bum who hangs out under the Qeynos docks to get Crow's Brew. Give him 5g and he gives you faction hits and a tattered bag, which you can give to Crow and thus get the brew. Gindlin is located in West Karana at (-2994, -13393) in a shack between a house and a barn. (Submitted by Derra Wildrunner)

Hollow Skull:
Completing this quest will get you the Jeweled Skull. Yiz Pon will ask you to deliver a note to his brother in Freeeport named Hyrill Pon. Yiz is running from Splitpaw and some beast is after him. Very soon after you first talk to him a Splitpaw assassin (lvl 16) will appear. Kill him and you can loot a hollow skull container (two slots) from the assassin. Apparantly, Yiz stole this skull in Splitpaw, but then he gave it to assassin to stop hunting him. However, the assassin is still trying to kill him. Take a note from Yiz to his brother Hyrill Pon in Freeport (West Freeport). He will tell you that his brother was searching for some powerful skull which should add great powers to a wizard. You now have to find two ruby eyes for the skull (two slots), put them into the hollow skull and hit combine. The problem is finding the ruby eyes. The first eye is found on Lyunga in Innothule Swamp. Unfortunately, she has to be killed and looted, which means a fight with a level 32'ish spellcaster, as well as (most likely) major faction hits in Grobb. The eye itself is a 'Large Ruby' that gives a whopping +1 int when worn. The second eye (which has been confirmed as such with Identify) is called a 'Ruby Pendant' and loads on a shaman named Kurrpok who spawns in Paw (he is real dangerous because another NPC named Zixx Nemix spawns right after him who is really high level - you may want to gate out after getting the pendant) This 'eye' also gives a +1 int bonus. Put them in the skull and combine and you get yourself a jewelled skull, which is a pretty nice magic item. ( +5 int, +20 Hp, +20 mana, -5 Cold protection) (Submitted by Rendor and Allamar)

The Lanseax:
This is the quest to obtain the Langseax or the Langseax of the Wolves . Complete Version: Go to Renth McLanis in the tavern across from Mac's Kilts. Ask him "What dangerous matter?". He tells you of a crime. Agree to hunt the murderer. Renth then sends you to see Dok in Dok's Cigars. Find out all you can about the crime. He tells you to go see the leader of Clan McMannus. This is the fishing village located in West Karanas. Speak to the leader. Then speak to Ulrich McMannus and he tells you Frostbite can track prey if he has a piece of sweaty clothing. Return to Dok and ask him "Where is the sweaty shirt?". He then tells you he sold it to Tundra Jack. Find Tundra Jack on the tundra of Everfrost. He will tell you that Iceberg is using it for a collar and that you can distract Iceberg with his favorite meal, Lion Delight. Go back to Halas and speak to Teria O' Danos. Do the lion meat quest (you get coin and faction as well as the Lion Delight). Once you have Lion Delight, be sure to bury it lower in your container then your normal food to prevent it being eaten by you. Take the Lion Delight to Iceberg and receive the shirt (NO DROP, LORE ITEM) and faction adjustment. Now run to the village and give the shirt to Frostbite. (NOTE: Frostbite will wait for the murderer to spawn before he takes off. He walks pretty fast so I wouls strongly suggest that you have Spirit of Wolf on you. It also helps to have a party member along that can track because I lost sight of Frostbite many times and have had to start over. Also, Frostbite likes to fight things along the way. Help him out. Be very careful not to target Frostbite by accident!) Frostbite will lead you right to the criminal. The murderer will be either Paglan or Basil. Paglan is tougher to kill and probably in his low to mid 20's, Basil is around level 20. Kill whomever the dog leads you to, hope he drops a Barbarian head and then return to Halas with the head. Give the head to Renth for faction, coin, and of course, the Langseax (if you have Basil's head) or the Langseax of the Wolves (if it is Paglan's head). I am not sure what triggers which criminal you get or even if you can just kill both and get both heads, but it seems that you wil normally get Basil. Short Version: Run to village, and receive the lion meat. Run to Halas, turn in meat to Teria and get Lion Delight, faction, exp. and coin. Run to Iceberg, give Lion Delight, receive shirt, faction, exp. Run to Frosbite, give shirt, gain exp. Kill the criminal. Return head for faction, coin, exp and Langseax. (Submitted by Joril Stoutbear, Waladen and Hance)

Lion Meat:
This quest is also a part of the Langseax quest. If you talk to one of the merchants outside the city before the lake, you can get a quest to get lion meat from the fishing village. Talk to Einhorst McMannus in the barbarian fishing villiage in Western Karanas. He will refer you to a female barbarian nearby to get the meat. You must say to her "I will deliver the Lion Meat Shipment to Halas". You get some minor coin for this quest. A good idea is to combine this quest with the note to Einhurst quest since they both go to the same place. (Submitted by Deryni)

The Nitrates:
Gerael Woodone has a flask he wants delivered to Linaya Sowlin in West Karana. Doing so results in some faction and a few coppers. At this point she also asks for your protection from the [unkempt druids] and tells you of a [note]. However, an NPC by the name of Draze Slashyn shows up and immediately threatens Linaya after you deliver the Flask. If you beat him you get Status, Money, a Rusty Axe and the Note Linaya just mentioned. Linaya will ask you to take the note back to Gerael in surefall (see the Assassins Quest). (Submitted by Endager the Ranger)

Note to Einhorst:
First talk to Jinkus (he is in the shaman's guild). He asks if you want to contribute to the guild. He tells you to find Halana and tell her "Jinkus sent me to assist you". She is located in Ye Majik shop in Halas) She askes you to take a note to Einhorst in the Barbarian fishing village in West Karana and return with their monthly Karana Clover shipment. She gives you directions if you dont know the way. To get to the village go though Black Burrow to Qeynos Hills, follow the mountains to the left until you hit a path, follow the path to the left, you will zone into West Karana. In West Karana follow path until it splits turn right and head from the path towards the horizon, the fishing village is not far. Einhorst is in one of the buildings. You give him the note and get money, exp, a box of clover to return to Holana and the following faction: Wolves of the North, Shaman of Justice, Merchants of Halas and Steel Warriors increase; Rogues of the White Rose decreases. When you give the box to Holana you get money, exp, a 1st rank spell and the following faction: Shaman of Justice and Merchants of Halas increase; Circle of Unseen Hands, Coalition of Tradefolk and Ebon Mask decrease. This quest can only be performed by lower level characters. A good idea is to combine this and the lion meat quest since they both go to the same place. (Submitted by Jilana)

Prayer Beads:
This quest is sometimes given after completion of the Blessed Oil Quest. Brother Estle will give you the PRAYER BEADS of Brother Hayle, and ask you to take them to the High Priestess of Rodcet Nife in Qeynos ASAP. Giving the prayer beads to her will result in some faction adjustment, some experience, small change, and quest. (Submitted by Aoiryuu of Mithaniel Marr)