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Western Commonlands
Main Quest page
Paladin Message:
Theron Rolius, in the Hall of Truth, standing next to the paladin guildmaster in the rear raised section, is the person who initiates this quest. He asks you to meet a messenger named Mojax Hikspin "near a lake in the Commonlands". When found in West Commonlands, he is usually sitting next to the fisherman on the lake - the one that won't talk or sell to you. He needs a flask of milk, which you can get from the office of the people or at Greenleaf's in Freeport. As soon as you give him the milk, he starts to hand you a note, but a fast NPC named Duggin Scumper comes by, insults the Freeport king or something, and runs off, yelling that You'll never catch him, and that he's taking this to his superior in the Quenos Royal hall or something. In order to get the note, you have to attack the man, kill him (he's around level 3 or 4) and loot his corpse to find the note. Then you return the note to Eeyana Neastra, a sentry on the top level of the temple of Marr (she may be in the Hall of Truth now). He is very tough to catch without magic. However, sometimes if you stop chasing him and return to Mojax, he will walk down the path to a pillar and drop the note for you there. Each time you give Mojax milk, you restart the sequence so that you can try again if you mis the first time. You get a little gold, a item (sometimes a potion), experience, and increased faction standing with the Knights of Truth. (Submitted by Saidan)