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Main Quest page
Bandit Sisters: :
This starts in Felwithe with the High Elf Paladin Guildmaster. He will ask you if you are "ready to serve the Clerics of Tunare" Say "I am ready to serve the Clerics of Tunare" and he will ask if you are new to this or experienced (something to that degree). If you say you are inexperienced, he tells you about a fallen member of his order in Kelethin. (If you say you are experienced, he gives you the jojongua's pelt quest). You then need to talk to the drunk named Tandan Nybright in Kelethin and listen to his tale. His sad story centers around his four daughters in Lesser Faydark who have joined the dervish cutthrouat and are giving his family a bad name. Being a good father and paladin, he asks you to murder each of his daughters, retrieve their pearl necklaces and return them to him all at once. Beware. These bandits are pretty tough and will not willingly part with their jewelry (approximately level 10 to 13). You will get experience, faction and an item when you return all four necklaces. (Submitted by Awen, Talison & Zanshin)
Bladed Weapons: :
The Druid guildmaster, "Heartwood Master," wishes to rid the world of bladed weapons, because they're forbidden by Tunare. Bring him a Rusty Short Sword, a Rusty Long Sword, a Rusty Broad Sword, and a Rusty Bastard Sword, and he'll reward you with faction, around 6 gp, XP, and a random weapon.
Emerald Warriors' Items: :
Talk to Regren inside the Emerald Warriors Guild. He will ask you to bring him 4 items to prove your worth: spiderling eye, ruined wolf pelt, bone chips, and bat fur. He will reward you with xp, faction, money, and an item (often tattered armor). (Submitted by Doriath)
Orc Hatchets: :
Dill Fireshine, in the ranger's guild hall, has a odd need for orc hatchets. You can feed his need by killing orc hatchetmen (occasional hatchet wielding Orc Pawns and Orc Centurions) in Greater Faydark and Lesser Faydark and returning the hatchets to him two at a time for money, experience and faction and an occasional item (usually a tarnished 1HS weapon). The faction changes are as follows: Faction with Faydarks Champions, King Tearisthex, Clerics of Tunare and Soldiers of Tunare gets better, and Crushbone Orcs gets worse. (submitted by Panoyen)
Orc Runner: :
This quest is given by Dill Fireshine after you do the orc hatchet quest. You need to kill the orc runner and return his damaged pouch to Dill Fireshine. He will also ask you for a note which can sometimes be found on the orc runner. The orc runner can be found in butcherblock. He runs around a lot, but the easiest place to find him is by the two cabins hunting area. The faction changes are as follows: Faction with Faydarks Champions, King Tearisthex, Clerics of Tunare and Soldiers of Tunare gets better, and Crushbone Orcs gets worse. You sometimes get a pretty nice reward for this (sometimes worth several platinum), and a decent experience boost.
Orc Vest: :
The merchant Linadian, up some platforms from main lift, will make a Banded Orc Vest for you when you give her 2 legionaire shoulderpads, a crushbone belt and 10 gold. (Submitted by Tymbra)
Pixie Dust No 1: :
An NPC in the ranger's guild hall who obviously doesn't like pixies wants you to bring him 6 pixie dusts and combine them in the bag he gives you. Return for experience, faction and money and an item, usually a piece of patchwork armor, but sometimes leather or rawhide.
Pixie Dust No 2: :
Another NPC in the rogue's guild hall wants you to bring him 6 pixie dusts and combine them in the bag he gives you. Return for experience, faction with Tunare Martyrs and money and sometimes a minor item.
Scouts Blade Quest: :
Talk to Laren, in the unnamed hut across from Scouts of Tunare. Hail him and ask about the Scouts Blade. After getting the Token from Laren you will be sent to HighKeep. The challenging part is getting into the jail and past all the prisoners to talk with another elf in the jail. There you will learn you have to make your way to the roof and speak with Feenn Kaedrick. The news is bad, Xentil herkanon has betrayed the Scouts and Kelethin, you must slay him and return his head to Laren to finish the quest. Be warned there are several guards and a body guard near him, so a little planning will save you a hard fight, or bring along some powerfull friends.
Scouts Cape Quest: :
Behind Scouts of Tunare is Geeda, hail her and follow through bracketed dialog until she gives you a token. (You will need to raise faction with the rusty dagger and pixie dust quests!) Take this token to the slave cave in Crushbone. There will be an elf slave next to where Rondo spawns. This is a 5 minute cycle...he spawns, 5 min later unspawns, 5 min later spawns...etc. Randomly this spawn will be a generic elf slave or a named one Keylynn. If you see Keylynn hail him and give him the coin. He gives you faction, xp and a note. Return note to Geeda for faction, xp and the Scout Cape.
Scout's Leggings Quest: :
This quest begins in Kelethin and is the third in the "Scouts" series of quests. Begin by talking to the guildmaster inside the Scouts of Tunare in the southern end of kelethin. Simply ask him about the "scouts silvermesh leggings" and he will begin with a long story mentioning many names. Remember all those names and keep asking the prompted questions. You will finally be directed to kill Faldos Hendrys to obtain the Gem of Tunare. To find him, you must talk to several people. However, I knew he hung out in North Qeynos so I didn't go talk to anyone. Find Faldos Hendrys either in Crows Tavern in North Qeynos or walking around outside the gate. Kill him (He conned blue to me at level 21) or pickpocket him to obtain the Gem of Tunare. The gem is actually an Emerald Shard and is LORE, NO DROP, so if you have friends helping, make sure you loot him. Return the Gem to the guildmaster in Kelethin for your Silvermesh Leggings (AC 7, +3 Agi, +5 save vs. magic). They are quite nice! Also, they are Elf/Half-elf Rogue only. (Submitted by Akak)
Shark Meat: :
Speak with the NPC on the right hand side balcony of the Emerald Warriors Guild in Kelethin. He wants to talk about [hunt for meat]. He then gives you a pouch to fill,(4 places to fill), and tells you to take it to Butcherblock and jump into the ocean to collect Shark Meat. He will pay your wages on your return. (Submitted by Ravvin)
Spiderling Silks: :
There is a bard in the guildhall named Sylia who wants you to collect spiderling silks for her. Bring her 4 silks for experience, a drum and some money. (Submitted by Awen)
Trueshot Long Bow: :
(click to see stats) This now actually results in a trueshot longbow. Start the quest by talking to Maesyn Trueshot in the ranger's guild. You need four items to complete the quest. (1) Spiderling silk. (2) A Micro Servo, which can be gotten off a rogue Clockwork in Steamfont (they are rare drops). These are no drop items, so be ready to haul these around for a while until you complete the quest. (3) Some Dwarven wire, which has a side quest. You must give the man in Kaladim some tumpy tonics. You get these by retrieving a kiola nut and a flask of water for Trumpy Irontoe in Kaladim (so that he can make the tonics). The kiola nut is on an island in the Ocean of Tears, and a flask of water...well you can get that anywhere. Give these to Tumpy Irontoe (also in Kaladim) he makes the tonics, you give those to the dwarf Tratnor Everhot, who walks around the everhot forge and the mines, and he gives you the dwarven wire. (4) Lastly, you need treant wood. You must travel to Freeport and give Jyle Windshots (note the Jyle you want is in West Freeport - be wary of imposters) a small lantern or, possibly if you are a Ranger, your guild tunic and he will give you some treant wood. Combine these and give them to the Maesyn. He will give you a Treantwood Bowstave. If you ask him, he will reveal how you can use this to assemble a trueshot longbow. In addition to the Bowstave, you need a Plane, a Microservo and some Dwarven Wire. If you are a master bowyer, you can use these ingredients to assemble a trueshot longbow, a bow useable only by rangers. (Damage 20, Delay 45, Range 100, Weight 3.0 ). Because the microservos are no drop, you will have to make this bow yourself. (Submitted by Banar, Lt. of Clan Ironfist)
Tunare Scout's Dagger: :
Inside the scouts of Tunare talk to the one of the NPC's. He will ask you to bring him 2 rusty daggers and 2 gold. You will be rewarded with xp, faction, money, and a tarnished dagger. (Submitted by Doriath)