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Stuff about me

Hey If you don't want to her narcicstic ramblings on about my self don't finsh reading this page.but if you do be my geust.

Well my name is Blacksomething or pain somethingA.K.A.Anne,or Devin

LIKES: trent, happy noddle boy, black, funale cakes, JTHM, confusion, red stuff, reading, writting,femminist,illegal substances,cafe, and drawing.
DISLIKES:overly happy people(they scare me)big yellow faces,poetry about pigs,people who cant tell the diffrece between leather and pleather,pink dish soap, confusion, making this page about myself so the rest of this page shall be about trent. i like trent as do many others ,i like the pics i found of him all bound and leathered. I also like the Lady Bathory.But I love Tori Amos.

Soon to come is a pic. of myself.

natas sevol ouy