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I'd live for you I'd cry for you
My heart would fucking die for you
I'd lie for you I'd strive for you
All I ask is that you would too
I'd fall for you go down for you
I'd kill you if you asked me to
My piece of trash
My pain in the ass are you
I'd trade my death for life with you


Blessed be M'Lady and let in you my love reign
and hope that what is true shall always stay the same
for my love is like the raging rivers
And my love ye are like the seas
And everything I give to you shall all return to me
Your are like the forest and I the breeze
And with every caress I give you life and I force ye breath
I am your lover and shall always wish to be your provider and your confident
Till you cease to do the same for me
And if you wish pleasure than prepare ye to be pleased
For you have brought me fulfillment with the things you've done unto me.


The way you scream the way you cry
The way your spirit dies slowly inside
The way your blood screams my name
I hate the way I fetish your pain

The way you smell of burning flesh
The way your blood caresses my sweat
The way you look as youve been slain
I hate the way I fetish your pain

The way my nails rip down your back
The way I lick salt in each bleeding crack
The way we both play this game
I hate the way I fetish your pain

The way my teeth peal back your skin
The way your innocence was stolen by sin
The many ways I fuck with your brain
I hate the way I fetish your pain

The way you lie still and dead
The ways you kept my pleasures fed
The way I saw your life drain
I hated the way I fetished your pain.


Mine eyes hast set upon you my heart
Give to me my leige
Thats all ye shall ever need
I'll free ye if you come to me
M'Lord my love my life
The one who bleeds for mine the one who gives but seldem takes
The one whos soul for me awaites
The only one who knows my pain
You who I shall never forsake.


I feel trapped and bound by all
Stuck in one place and destined to fall.
No way to turn and no up or down
Nothing to grasp and no solid ground
Every emotion felt turned to rage
Every idea thought put in my minds lil cage
No way to express the things I feel
No way to tell if I'm insincere or real
I've become the opitamy of my own contradictions
A major contribution to my own dissention
I've become the will again my way
Brought my own destruction and think that?s Ok
I've listened to you and all your lies
Taken them for truths despite my own demise
I have compromised myself for you
And you took for granted
Something I seldom do.
I have let live and I have let be
I have turned cheek of to what you wished me not to see
All these things, and you've not sacrificed once for me
You've done as you wished to keep your self pleased
Now I know that I must be free
And for that to happen
You must in fact leave.

Ode To Hecate

Oh goddess come to me.
Protect me from the things that be.
sheild me from the tanted light
Take me to your ways whats right
I've tried to bide the wiccn rede
Take on your knowledge and learn new things
Now i kneel befor you your child to be
And i ask you Come to me
Oh Goddess great Hecate
Gaurdian of night protector of days
I pray you lead me to your ways
And i shall fallow with love and trust ney hate.
You've come to me and crone you not be
But a woman of youth when i saught the truth
Now come to me and giude my fate
And i shall fallow ye Goddess Hecate
Breathe yourself in to me
And let things be
As you wish them for me

copyright1998< kub 2
Purple skies and green clouds over the grey horizon
I live in the black and white world
All the beautiful shades of vanella and charchaol
looking up at your world
the green starz incontrast whit your red eyes
you look down on me ,my blood is just as clear as yours
and shall always be thiner than water just as yours.
Your beautiful black sun your Rah or dughter
You maginta moon sweet isis you look down on me too
But you smile your smooth blue lips that blow the winds to me
I could stair at this beuty forever
But your red eyes call to me a small world in its self
Bright red with rings of yellow around them
But you are facited around nothing not even your self as most are
You seem so much to me , but my blood is as thin as yours
My soul is the same tint of green like yours and the starz
Your lips soft enough to kiss
Bright enough to blind one that would dare to come so close
Neon orange that sets off your eyes so to look and listen to at once
Would be to intoxicating handle, like a trance
Am I so much less then you becouse my life is grey and pasae
Hollow voice that seems to come from all directions
I see your voice much like the ocean
Refracting off of my world crashing against it
Going in me through me beaming out of me out of everypart of me
To talk to me in your dreams you scream my name
As if in pain Scream hollow voice pierce me
You speak to me of a dream world were the trees are green
Not orange yellow or grey ,ill never believe what you say
you speak of oceans blue like your hair I wish I could one day be there
You talk of much more then your voice fades from me
And I am no more to you, never more never more
I don?t know you can I call you Lanore
You who would look down on me with pity
But never more never more my sweet Lanore
I die to this and all alike ,and I shall rise and take flight
In to the rain, skies into the night its only right
that i should be by your side to look down on the world i ve leave behind,
but when i get there our worlds grey
and what i used to have seemd beutiful and of gold and lace
but at least i have this place thise vanella and charocl in its grace