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Insane Rammblings


I like niezche i dont know why. i dont even agry that truth is not relitivet becouse it can be some times but would it still be true.or would it be some thing else.becouse truth has to be true all the time doesnt it.well those are all the thoughts i can at the moment have on nieche with out hearting my brain.(dont want that. (15 min later update) Whats with freuid why dont i know how to spell his name and what the frick kind of issuses did this man have with his mom. Come on now "penis envy" were the fuck did that come from.I love doli's work but i dont know why he liked fruid so.i geuss that whole alternitive state of being thing was pretty cool. Was that fruid?i think it was. and the idea that our subconsiou effects are consiuos. the atternate drean state. I want to see sigmaned and Gloria stienem have a debate but one of them is dead so thated not work. If life was a ass buddism would be the foot. cause a foots just there its a foot its there very inlightening.if you have a foot on the bottom of your leg you have a leg over your foot. THE MEANING OF LIFE is to live. i dont claim to know the meaning of life but i guess it to make it what you wish it(life and its meaning)to be.If you think life is all about haveing fun than the meaning of your life is to have fun.if its to be succeful and to make money that tats what you should do.i dint know whats else to say on this matter. and i dont know if the previous stuff ive said makes any sence.


the word wierd is a bunch of bull shit everyone is wierd in fact id go so far as to say everyone is crazzy but it s in there own way like the people who think people that dont wear make up are wierd the people not wearing the make up think the paople who are talking about them are crazzy 'cause who pays that much attention to someone elses makeup or dress or whateva.



Mean satinist bother me becousse they dress goth some times and for some reason our closed minded society likes to assume that if a goth and a satanist dress alike they must also have the same beleifs.if a satinist is a goth THIS DOES NOT MEAN ALL GOTHS ARE SATANISTS!!!!!And satanists are not devil worrshipers! Im alil goth i guess or hpiy or what ever you want to call it. alot of my associates are to some of them are pagan so am i so PAGAN AND GOTH ARE NOT PART OF SATANISM DAMN IT .well thank you for reading bye

what if every thing was a figment of our imaginations.our whole existance was not real but just a gathering of seporate thougths and thought patterns.SIENCE CAN PROVE THIS WRONG RIGHT?but not if its true if its true science is just a bunch of BS. they would pretty much be limitations to our capabilities.

Can people really make shit float? (if so that deffies gravity. and if gravity is mearly a thought or rather somr thing that is suspected,let me clearify, say gravity only exist becouse we are not open to the idea that we dont have to obey the laws of physics.If so its not a big deal to make stuff float.


Is it so hard not to exploit wimyn and there sexuality(no matter what it maby be).NOt even womens sexuality but wemin period. if wemin are constantly exploited how can they be taken seriouslly. THis all goes back to ,not only men but people in general are tought that it is ok to see wimen as sex objects or as chattle No matter what the possition or status is in society.the only diffrece status makes is that rather than being disrespected and dehuminised to your face it will happen behind your back.A woman of the highest standerd can be reduced to a miar joke by the remark of one person. and its not the remark that is so bad everyone is intittled to there own oppiniun, but it is the society that rewards people for agreeing with the degrading remark.If the same remark were made about a man or directed at a man the remark would not be as escepted the comment wpuld have its 2 secs in the sun and thats it. Anarchy: why do people want anarchy it sounds good but its not logical. we cant have the states just like we want them. anarchists are good people but there putting all htere energy in to anarchy and they could be voting and improving the government we have becouse theres not going to be some great revolution were the people takes control. and if there is than it s servival of the fitest and not every one is strong enough to hold there own it my sound glamourous but it would just all go to hell. Drugs : drugs are bad don't do them. Passion and pain: I have a passion for the arts all of them. Writting drawing music im deeply infactuated with them. Im constantly writting something usually im listening to music when i do and when im sitting there pen in hand th emusic flows through me and my body absorbs it and it s like a force ,an energy that biulds up in me . and then words seep through my hand and out of my pen ,and there so beautiful to words are divine.THen i feel the compultion to paint at first i start off with my hand gentaly on the back of the brush and beofr you know it my hands are covered in paint and im draging my fingers over the canves to give it that smooth almots dalieque look.the fire raising the the tormented face.the blood tears dripping down his cheaks her beutiufl hair blowing in gthe wind while she screams as the banchees'.then theres the music always in the back ground ,the for ground the mid ground my mind, it surpasses space and surpasses time. it expresses life and death life and hate and less fate. music engulfs you .

I DOnt know the date at the present moment Improfecvtions

ever notice how beutiful people are in all there improfections. how diffrent they all are. how they all complament each other, its something. I love people, i may not like most of them but i love them.

Some Where Around Pride Week

Ever notice there is no such thing as a hetero-phobic. you never hear about a dyke beatin up some guy becouse he hit on her. Well maybe once, that was fun. Ever heard of a bunch of gays lookin at straights makin out then bitchin about how sick it is. HOw about the EWW im not like that , wich seems to be ever so popular amoung straights. Well any way i saw chassing Amy i didnt like it all my buds told me to rent it. I think it would be harder to be bi. than staight gay or straight straight. cause your goona have the gays that think you sexy just cause you dig chicks and they think theres a possibility of a three way. Whhy dont Poeple think Gay men are sexy? I know some chicks that do but why is popular to think that? THen you got those chicks that use their weman to get men And the ones that need to have bith at the same time so you have to deal with the thats affraid that youll out preform him. may be thats why. Yeah Gay men are cooming out of the wood works.( neat pun hu). where in the hell are the lezbos. and wemyn have a loose, loose situation all the good men are gay or married and all the good wymen are staight or takin.

femminists got props from me

I love feminists but I dont understand what sex has to do with the liberation of wemyn so some chick whants a vibrator wow thats liberating how? every feminist book ive read haas tons of shit about sex in it. yes there was a myth of a vaginal orgazism well now we know it was a myth enough with it already. and I love how the gay community is fighting for rights but why had that become the top priority of the feminist movemnet. Not all wymen are queer we still have many issues thaat need to be delt with out side of the issue of sexuality and I do think that is a very important issue. no one should have to move across the damn country to get married while we tacal this issue of sexuality so avedly our young wemyn are degressing. And Although it should'nt matter i think that we need more examples of promanent straight strong wemyn. HOmosexuals are a minority that happens to be looked do on and there for we can afford to be stroung and not give a shit about what some one thinks about us. and as a lezbo the expectation is that we are strong and"bitchy". But straight girls need to know that they can be "bitchs" too. And thats to appease the unliberated majority. I think they need that