Why I Hate The Real World

Yesterday afternoon as I laid on my boyfriend's couch nursing a hangover from hell, I happened to catch an episode of The Real World, MTV's hommage to stupid American kids. I haven't watched MTV in several years, I can't stomach that channel anymore and long for the day of Whitesnake and Poison (anything but Kid Rock...YUCK!). I used to like The Real World. I remember finding the first season entertaining and original, and it was refreshing to see "what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real". However, each season has gotten progressively worse to the point where I found myself yelling at the TV yesterday in disgust. I have never seen a group of such self-centered, pretentious fucks in my life. The worst though had to be the gay guy with the blonde hair. He was going on and on in his pseudo-intellectual way about how he couldn't stand living with those people any longer, how stupid Amaya is, putting down everyone and acting like he was the most original person who ever lived. Now, I personally think Amaya is the most "real" person on that show. She is a wee bit too sorority girl for my tastes, but at least she doesn't think she is the coolest thing that ever walked the planet. I couldn't for the life of me understand how someone could be as weak as Colin...how can you let someone like the blonde guy (sorry, I didn't catch his name) totally turn you against someone? That is like fifth-grade behaviour! It irritated me so bad (although my hangover certainly wasn't helping my tolerance level)...and not even in that Jerry Springer ooh-look-at-the-white-trash way. It was just plain offensive.

Look kids, you may think your the coolest thing to walk the planet, but YOU ARE NOT NEW AND ORIGINAL. All these woe-is-me angst-filled poseurs need to come to their senses and grow the fuck up. I realize that this is just the hallmark of being young, that even I went through a stage much like that. I went through a piercing phase (which I can't even believe I'm sharing with you now) at one point and while my parents laughed at my appearance I sat their thinking how lame they were and how obviously hip I was. As I approach my 25th birthday next month, I just look at teenagers with a combination of scorn and ridicule. I think it will be many moons before I subject myself to another Real World episode, and I certainly won't do it when I'm hungover.