I don't feel like doing another organized "rant". It's too much work to actually come up with one topic I care enough about to write a whole long ass thing on. On that note, here is a list of things I like

People Magazine. I love this stupid thing. I used to have a subscription to it but it's too damn expensive. It is the most vapid piece of crap but whenever I go to the grocery store (which is rare since me and the kitchen don't get along) I gravitate towards it like a fly on shit. I don't know why I like it so much. I don't even read the human interest stories in it, I like reading the stories about celebrity gossip. Which is quite funny to many people I know, since I loathe television and most movies. I guess we all have to get our pop culture fix somehow.

Diet Coke I have a Diet Coke obsession. My insides must be totally rotted out by now because I literally drink like six of them a day (sometimes more). There is nothing like a Diet Coke in the morning to get your day off to a good start. It doesn't have the same wonderful caffeine kick in the ass that coffee does, but living in south Texas where the temperature rarely dips below 90 degrees does not exactly cause one to enjoy warm beverages.

The Simpsons I know this must be a painfully obvious favorite, but god, I adore Matt Groening. I could be having the shittiest day ever, but when 6:00 rolls around and the Simpsons come on, all is right with the world. For some reason our satellite provider gives us access to the Fox Station out of New York (even though they're not supposed to) so I get two episodes of The Simpsons back to back. My dad is just like Homer. Really, it's amazing how similar they are. He can eat a whole box of donuts in one sitting! Homer is defintely my favorite character.

Eating I LOVE to eat. Really, you would be amazed at how primal all my desires are. Food, sleep and sex...if I have all three things in one day I am a happy girl. I am a junk food addict. I have a theory that the reason why I love to eat so much crap is because I was denied it when I was a child. My dad is a diabetic so we never were allowed sweet things in the house as my parents feared we would develop diabetes(I'm not sure how scientifically sound their fears were, but whatever). So that's where the Diet Coke thing came from (sugar free soda) and why I adore the fattiest greasiest most sugary food possible. I love Whoppers, they are my absolute favorite hamburger.

Eighties Movies Now when I say 80's movies, I'm not talking about all that Breakfast Club bullshit. I mean REAL eighties movies, like Ghostbusters and Trading Places and The Toy. Now THAT was humor, those were plots, scenarios you could really enjoy. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie I liked. I don't know if it's the quality of acting that has gone down hill or if the scripts are getting worse, but there just aren't many films today that can approach the level of comedic genius of Eddie Murphy in "Trading Places". You gotta admit, that was some funny shit. He was so funny back in the day, what happened?

Beer I love beer. I love the taste of it, the color, the smell, everything. My favorite brands have changed over the years, as I've learned what a good beer should taste like. In high school I drank mexican beer like Dos Equis and Carta Blanca, as that was all that was available when driving across the border to engage in some underage drinking. In college I drank Newcastle (which I have since come to abhor) or Milwaukee's Best when the benjamins were fluctuatin'. Now my beer of choice is Heineken, although if I MUST drink domestic I partake of Miller Lite. Mmm...just thinking of beer makes me want one, except that it's 2:24 in the afternoon and I don't think my boss would appreciate it.

Jon Stewart I have an itty-bitty crush on Jon Stewart. He is cute in a weird way, and of course pretty funny. Don't tell anyone.

The Body Shop I feel like a total fag for admiting this, but I love The Body Shop. I love all those little creams and doo-dads and smelly stuff. I especially love lotion, I am kinda weird about lotion. Don't ask.

That's it for now. Of course, there are a whole lot more things I DON'T like. I'll get to those later.