So Shoot Me...I Like Monica Lewinsky

So Shoot Me...I Like Monica Lewinsky

Ever since the whole scandal erupted last year (do I have to spell it out for you?), I have had this strange fascination with Monica Lewinsky. I think she's a pretty cool chick, much to the disbelief of virtually everyone I know. Despite all the criticism she has received, I feel sorry that she's had to go through all this shit and feel like she's been portrayed very unfairly in the media.

I think a lot of my support for her goes back to my annoyance with the way many girls, including myself, were treated in high school for having sex or even because of rumors about them having sex. I remember when I was a freshman in high school, this guy spread rumors all over school that I had slept with him after he had asked me out and I turned him down. I remember the feeling of shame and humiliation as people whispered about me as I walked down the halls. Although this was obviously on a much smaller scale than what Monica went through (and in my case, it happened to be a lie), the feeling of horror that people are discussing you and dissecting your behavior is overwhelming. I've always hated the whole "slut" mentality that people use against women. And the worst part about it is that other women are often our own worst enemies.

Everyone makes mistakes, and I would shudder to think if some of MY skeletons were to come out of the closet for the world to gape at. Granted, Monica did make a very big mistake. But she is entitled to privacy, and the right not to have her sex life discussed on the evening news. It is unforgivable that people have called her a slut, a whore, and worse, when this situation is none of their business. Not only that, but imagine how many people in this country have cheated on their wives, their husbands, their girlfriends or boyfriends, and yet feel it is perfectly acceptable to act morally superior to her.

In a strange way, I understand her attraction to Bill. I think it's safe to say that Monica may suffer from a bit of low self-esteem, and women in that position sometimes gravitate towards powerful men. To all you older women out there, you SAY you would never have done that, but don't speak too hastily until you've walked in someone else's shoes. All in all, I feel a lot of sympathy for good old Monica, and I just want to know one thing: Who does your hair girl?