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Thru : Ms. Marissa Doctor-Herrera

(Please print, and forward with your signature to the above.)

Yes, I would like to contribute to the making of video documentary on the history of Batangas City!

Count me in as a ...........................................

Enclosed is my check in the amount of ...................................................... issued to the INSTITUTE FOR FILIPINO CINEMA this .................... day of ..................... 1999.

If I have chosen to be a contributor, I pledge the following in pursuit of the project:


I understand that I am not the sole contributor to this project, and that in the body of the video itself I shall get as much coverage as befits my role in the history and cultuure of Batangas City, both to present the above in as fair and factual manner as possible and to protect the artistic integrity of the producers of the video.


Thank you for making me a part of this tremendous undertaking!


Name .......................................................................................................................................

Title .................................................................

Company ....................................................................................................................................

Address .....................................................................................................................................

Tel No. ..........................................

Fax No. ........................................

E-mail Address .................................................................