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Dunwich : The Vanishing Town

Our favourite place in East Anglia! Dunwich is on the Suffolk (UK) coast, just south of the very popular resort of Great Yarmouth. It has a long and fascinating history but is most famous for one thing : it is slowly being consumed by the North Sea. Situated on the southern arm of Sole Bay, Dunwich has a shingle beach backed by tall sandstone cliffs. Most of the historic port of Dunwich has long since vanished under the sea. There is a legend that on stormy nights the old bells of Dunwich can be heard ringing under the sea!

Where Dunwich village still lies, the ground level is much lower, mostly, with the village stretching back inland from the small area of beach where numerous fishing boats rest. Close by this part of the beach, near the northern foot of the cliffs, there is a café which is famed for its "fish and chips" (the renowned fast-food of England!). This year, in 1999, a considerable portion of Dunwich beach was taken by the sea in freak storm-winds - foam was flying in the air and coating large stretches of the shore!

South of the village, the cliffs rise rapidly. There is a stretch of woodland there. Further south, close to the cliff top, caravan parks cater for visitors. There are both public and private sites, the public one¹ providing some excellent facilities and catering for tourers as well as having static units for hire. Further south still, and still following the cliffs, there is a large building providing some accomodation plus acting as the National Trust's centre for Dunwich Heath. Here, the cliffs fade away, where Dunwich gives way to the famous Minsmere Bird Reserve (operated by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds [RSPB]).

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Dunwich Heath stretches from the cliff tops inland almost to the town of Westleton. It is one of the most important heathlands in Britain! It is managed by the National Trust on behalf of the Nation. There are activities throughout the year catering for all ages but especially children.

Minsmere Reserve (RSPB) is also one of the most important sites in Britain! It includes many environments, including forestry, heathland, and marshland.

In addition to the close proximity of Dunwich Heath and Minsmere, there is the extensive Dunwich Forest. This extends from west of Dunwich to the north, reaching almost as far as Walberswick, several miles further north along Sole Bay. Between the forest and the coast are miles of marshland. This stretch is protected by a tall shingle bank.

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[Pics of Dunwich to follow soon......]


[Pic of Dunwich to follow soon......]

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¹I do not have any association with any leisure site/operator in Dunwich or its environs!


MUCH MORE TO FOLLOW VERY SOON................................