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The Best Pokémon RPG, POKÉMON CITY

Pokémon City is a place for Pokémon lovers to have some fun catching Pokémon and to talk to other Pokémon lovers from all around the world! You will have a job, at least one Pokémon, a house, and lots of money to buy stuff!
I'll be giving you $5000 to start out with, one Pokémon, 10 Pokéballs, but you have to buy your own house! (check the homes section) But everyone start's out as a Pokémon catcher because of requirements for other jobs (can't start as police trainee or something, have to be trainer for a month)!
When catching pokemon, come to the message section. If it says "Pokemon in the area", and I wrote it, say you attack up to a max of three attacks per turn then "pokeball go" or what ever type of pokeball you have that you want to throw, and then I'll tell you if you caught it!
If you would like to join, e-mail me the name you would like to use, the house you would like to buy, and the Pokémon that you would like to start out with!(Cant be any Rare Pokémon. That means Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh Or any of the Legendary Birds/Dogs cant be picked for the begining Pokémon.) Also, you need to tell me a history for me to put in your section. To see some histories of members, go to the members section! Also please tell Spruce what you want to have you're nametag look like. To see some nametags go to the members section. Everyone start's out as a Pokémon catcher because of requirements for other jobs (can't start as police trainee or something, have to be trainer for a month)!
Currently we ARE!!!doing the new pokemon Gold and Silver versions (finally!).
Now just to tell everyone, if you have ICQ or AIM, I can Role Play you, that is you can basically go around area's and try to catch many pokémon. (AIM is very good for this since the dice) I'm looking for one co-RPer, so if you think you're creative and good ask me and I'll try to set it up....

NEW SPECIAL!!!!! Get AIM and you get one free pokemon! Non-rare, Non-Legendary. BUT FREE! (this also applies to anyone who already has it) E-mail me with your name of the Aim account to get your pokemon. I'll pick pokemon randomly.

Pokémon Message Board
Pokémon City Rules (MUST READ!!)
Pokémon Members Section

Enter the City

Email Dude

Add Me!

This is a non-official pokemon site. Pokemon do not belong to us. Niether do any other characters that appear on this page.
Do not take any pictures, idea's, or anything original
off this page unless you ask Dude and
Dude gives you permission. If he catches
you, you may be prosecuted by law (at my disgression).