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The Story

It was another day of school. Just as the
bell rang Commander Keen and a group of people passed Mortimer McMire
calling him eminem because of the MM on the helmet. Since this had been
the 432nd time that was said since the beggining of the year McMire wanted
revenge. He gathered all of the Shikadi and Bloogs.
and had them build a machine to destroy the galaxy. Keen flew over to Fibullus Xax
to check out the machine. All he found out was that the machine was not finished.
He donned his brothers football helmet and got to work.

Keen finally enters McMires underwater base on Fribulus Xax. He finds out that
Mortimer had a plan to make Keen come to Fribulus Xax for no reason by, building
the armegedon 2 on the planet and moving it to another without Keen knowing.
Unfoutunately it worked. Keen scaned space for the armegedon 2 and found it on
Gnosticus aimed at Earth. He quickly went through many villiages looking for the
undergound base holding the machine.