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These are all the episodes as I can remember. I am working on this section big time! I really need all of yalls feed back for order or the episodes, release dates, and descriptions. I need you to help this section grow!

Season 1

Kevin in video land- The first episodes. Introduces Kevin to Video World, the N-Team, and this power pad and zapper

How's bayou- A great episode! The strange part about this episode is that there were to different versions of it. I hope to have the differences in the two versions up soon!

The Most Dangerous Game Master- An android of Mike Vincent (a bully who used to bully on Kevin back on Earth) is created by Dr. Willy. Mikes original intentions were to harm Kevin but they became friends and Mike dies in pursuit of saving Kevins life.

Video Olympics- No description yet

Mega trouble for Megaland- No description yet

Wishful Thinking- No description yet

Three Men And A Dragon- No description yet

Mr. and Mrs. Mother Brain- No description yet

Simon the Ape-man- No description yet

Nightmare On Mother Brain's Street- No description yet

In Search Of The King- No description yet

Metroid Sweet Metroid- No description yet

Happy Birthday Megaman- No description yet

Season 2

Gameboy No description yet

Quest For The Potion Of Power- No description yet

Having A Ball- No description yet

Once Upon A Time Machine- No description yet

The Trojan Dragon- No description yet

The Feud Of Faxanadu- No description yet

The Big Game- No description yet

I Wish I Was A Wombatman- No description yet

Queen Of The Apes- No description yet

The Lost City Of Kongoland- No description yet

The Invasion Of The Paper Pedalers- No description yet

The Trouble With Tetris- No description yet

Germ Wars- No description yet

When Mother Brain Rules- No description yet

Season 3

Misadventures In Robin Hood Woods- No description yet

Return To Castlevania- No description yet

Pursuit Of The Magic Hoop- No description yet

Totally Tetrisized- No description yet

A Tale Of Two Dogs- No description yet

Battle Of The Baseball Know-It-Alls- No description yet

The Fractured Fantasy Of Captain N- No description yet

This section desperately needs your help to grow! Thats where you come in. To help this process speed along send me your descriptions of the episodes to help me!!! Email me if you can help out.