Is that the BsB? Your guess is as good as mine. Eventhough I couldn't see, breathe (I don't think the chick next to me took a bath), nor stop my nose from bleeding, the concert was SUPER! I loved all the songs and I got to hear Kevin sing his solo. So I give it 3 out of 5 stars.
Now I got the Allentown concert tickets for Supes' B-day and since it was held at a smaller place (some kind of hick fair) we had much better seats; I'm talking I could actually see who was on stage. This time we got to the fair like 5 hours before the concert started because we weren't going to miss AC again. We went to the fair and we walked around for about 15 mins looking at the shops and what hick life is really like.
Then we cut behind some tents and walked around a few fences and we came to the place where the concert was going to be held. I didn't think we were suppose to be there so we were hiding, trying to advoiding anyone that came out of the tents. The place was totally fenced up but you could see through the fence right to the stage. We, then, decided we wanted a better view. We knew that if we got caught someone would tell us to leave but we thought, so? Let them tell us to leave. Surprisingly no one said anything to us (I think it was because our friend Sap was with us and she is a known drug user and maybe people feared her).
Anyway we walked all the way round to a side of the fence that was all rickety and had god knows how many holes. We looked through and to our surprise we had found where the tour buses were~! I mean we could touch them we were so close. We could see the people setting up the stage and we yelled and tried to get info out of them. We even tried to bribe them with gum and sexual favors (Sap flashed them) but they just gave us dirty looks and one even got smart with me and that's a big no, no. There was going to be some serious shit goin down in the hick hood, but I said to myself, "RK, it doesn't really matter because they're all a bunch of hicks that don't know anything anyway." So we had to take measures in our own hand and we tried to climb the fence.
We couldn't quite make it over because of the barb wire up top but hey we had fun trying. We stayed at that stupid fence for 2 hours, and we would have stayed there longer if we hadn't needed to go get ready for the concert. I kick myself now for leaving when we did because about an hours after we left the BsB came and they were talking to people through MY fence~! *Shakes head*
After we had primped oursleves all up, and we got seated we could see over the little fence next to the tour buses...our view was better this time because we could see over the fence and we weren't looking through it. We could see Nick and Brian and my baby fry AC playing football. And everytime Nick ran pass you could hear the little sluts I mean fans scream. It got so annoying that I finally told them to shut the fuck up and they, to my surprise, listened...I think I scared the little vultures. Then the concert started and my baby fry came out...oh I was in Heaven(Hey I'm a proud petterass thank you). After AC was done they had that half an hour wait where you listen to shitty music again, but this time things were much more interesting.
Behind that white rickety fence I was telling you about there was a trailer and it was facing our seats and it was kinda dark out. Well, the shades were open and I had binoculars and me being the perv I am I looked inside the trailer. Do you know what I seen? I seen the Band changing there clothes! LoL I seen them in their undies! AJ was there and he and Obie were smoking and I seen Tim and Tim is hung like a frigging horse (Oh did I just say that? Whoops.) After the little peep show the concert started and it was so much better, like I said, I could see~! Well, with the exception of this pillar that got in my way every now and again, but I'm not bitching because the over all concert experience was more than SUPER it was GGGGREAT! I give it 5 stars out of 5!
Look see it's Howie and...
Kevin...yeah now that's what I'm talkin bout!