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Greetings, and honorary tributes to those of you who enjoy, feel and consider my persona. And a double dose to you, the remnant radiant few, who truly understand my point of view from a mature sense of appreciation:

Yes! It is all genuine. Within me lies no mendacious misuse of literary skills. Needless to say, I am fond of prose and powerful poetic overtones. Yet, at times, I do enjoy simplicity; however, one's ability to articulate and express themselves is given great deference. Regardless of where I find myself in the physical, I remain an ambitious man. My mind will always exceed the boundaries and limitations that some tend to believe. Since there is a part of me that yearns for power, prestige and privilege; and I believe alliance are essential to such an all around achievement. I am not above friendships (male or female); mutality based upon a common design and purpose, for example, activism, business, creative writing, for profit and non-profit forms of idealism etc.

Rest assured, my romantic interest is dedicated exclusively to women. I do not intend to offend; but...however, matters of love is only a mere aspect of my heart's desire. Besides...I measure love by the distance two people travel in overcoming life's battles. At some point and time, everyone wants to meet that special someone who fulfills their inner meaning of what a significant other should be. The truth is, every whisk of attraction is not an overt call for romance. Sometimes the meeting of the minds, from an idealist perspective, can produce a life long platonic relationship conducive to both individual's well-being. And as such, romance is futile; useless. And to you, I welcome your strength and weakness with sincere relentless compatability to accomplish remarkable goals.

On another note. I am 29yrs. old, currently serving a 40yr. sentence in the Illinois Department of Corrections. To Those of you who are put off by my current whereabouts, I do understand, and my heart does empathize. But I will not lie, CLOSED MINDS NEVER OVERCOME NOR ESCAPE THE DREAD OF IT'S OWN IMPRISONMENT. To those of you in pursuit of companionship, passion and happiness with a profound belief in the possibility that like-minds and kindred spirits can vibe with one another irrespective of physical distance, I am with you. And to you, I offer my mind, spirit, views, merits and attentive ears with an unyeilding belief that anything is possible.

In sum, I'm a young African-American male who foolhardily allowed himself to become another statistic. I believe my ptential is abundant. Therefore, I extend my birth-given mental capacity beyound the restraints of confinement, in hope of attracting like-minded individuals to reciprocate fundamental intellectual stimulation to help birth a renowned legacy. Thank you for your time, patience and consideration.

Verily yours