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..::What is this R4W about, anyhow?::..

Revolutionizing the wrestling business the world over...

Welcome all of you who come from near and far.  Before I begin, let me introduce myself as Chris Duxbury or Carnage as I'm often referred by my wrestling alias. I am the head booker here in Revolutionary Four Wrestling. But before I go into any more depth, you might just be wondering "what the hell is an e-fed, anyhow"?

Well, to put it into a literal definition, e-fed means electronic federation. Kind of like e-mail, it is a fantasy wrestling federation where you play a character in the company. You control this character and do whatever you like with him like an actor in a play. Everything mainly revolves around writing; you write a role-play which is basically a story you write about your character describing his or her actions outside of the ring (but that still pertain to the story at hand). Based on how good and detailed your role-plays are (not, I mind, you, how long they are) compared to the person you are facing on the card, you will get a match outcome. If you don't roleplay or do a roleplay with little thought or effort, you will probably lose your match on the card. That is basically the gist of an e-fed:

1.) Get into a "feud" or storyline with another wrestler by contacting him via AIM, MSN, or e-mail.
2.) Talk to the bookers (head guys) about perhaps having a match on the card, if you have not already been assigned one.
3.) Write stories, or roleplays, about your character all week before the card. Make them your best work as their is only a maximum of 3 roleplays per week.
4.) Based on your competitor's and your roleplays, your match result will be determined and be shown on the show Monday
5.) Rinse and repeat.

Now that you understand how an e-fed works, let's go more into detail about what kind of e-fed R4W is. R4W is a roleplay-angle hybrid (despite what others may tell you). What does that mean? Well, you already know that the outcomes of your matches are based on your roleplays. A fed that just allows that is known as a "roleplay federation". However, we offer a second option, as well. That is called an "angle". Instead of doing roleplays for a span of time (or your whole feud, if you prefer) you and the person you are feuding with can decide to play it as an angle.  That is, you make up your own story and decide ahead of time, between the two of you, who wins the match, how, and what goes on in your feud. There is no judging of roleplays; all you have to do is get your opponent to agree and send me, or one the bookers an outline of how you want your feud to go. The advantage to this, over roleplay, is you have complete control over your feud and how everything works out. However, do understand you cannot just say "I win every match and look like a God". You and your partner must both agree to the terms of the storyline. The purpose is not to win as may matches as you can, it is to put on an awesome story that is planned out exactly as you want it. Here in the R4W we are flexible and offer both an "angle" experience or "roleplay" experience. It is advised that you and your partner know what you are doing before trying an angle feud.

Why join an e-fed, you ask? Why not, is the real question. An e-fed is a way to showcase your writing talent, a way to vent your frustration, a way to simply be creative, and a way to meet new people. We hear enjoy what we do (for the most part) and have a good time doing it. In an e-fed, you can play out all your fantasy wrestling experiences that would be too stupid or dangerous for any TV wrestling show. Just talk to any of the guys here; once you get into it, you become a part of the "family" and have a good old time. Everyone here has similar interests and is always fun to talk with.  There is such a great amount of diversity here. There are people from ages in the pre-teens to the people in almost their 30s. Everyone, no matter what specification, has a great time.

To sum up, as I said before, I am the head booker here. It is my job to make sure everything runs smoothly and is enjoyable for the roleplayer. If you have a problem just give one us an IM or e-mail and feel free to talk. No matter what is the matter, there will be someone, I am sure, to help you out.

- Chris "Carnage" Duxbury
         Head booker & talent relations

..::Vocab Review::..
E-fed: Electronic federation. A fantasy wrestling group where you portray a fictional character in a wrestling world, much like the WWE.

One who books and writes the matches. These men are responsible for how the fed runs. Come to them for questions and storyline suggestions.

Roleplay: A short (usually around 8 paragraph) piece of writing about your wrestler persona. It can be anything from his daily activities, his thoughts or a promo at a house show or interview backstage. The roleplay should somehow always pertain to the story at hand. You don't just want to write a roleplay having nothing to with the feud at hand, like what your wrestler at for breakfast in the morning.

Feud: When you and another character start up a program. These can be over titles, personal pride, or some past experience (to name a few). Feuds are the basis of good stories and unless you have a feud, you will probably not have a match on the card, unless you are just thrown into a random match-up. You should probably talk with the owner of the character you wish to feud with prior to doing so.

Angle: A storyline, in short. Angles are a planned-out sequence of events. They are pre-determined.