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.:Meet the Family:.

The UNFF Photo Album

Name: Tyra (dragon_wench)

Code Name: I'm guessing I'd be a "big sis"

Job: currently unemployed. (IRL Admin Asst)

Age: 31...32 in July

Birthday:July 5, 1971

Place of Residence: Mesa, AZ (for now at least)

Cyberspace Residence: nowhere...I'm floating aimlessly in Cyberspace....

Super Power: Wenching, wrangling into a bodice, talking Puritans into dropping trou in the Shire, writing, being outspoken (I've been dubbed a "shit disturber"), lusting after Orlando Bloom.

Kryptonite: Orlando Bloom, JC, Orlando Bloom, Nsync, Orlando Bloom, Jimmy Buffett, Orlando Bloom, SEV, Orlando Bloom, GC, Orlando Bloom, BSB, Orlando Bloom, Renaissance Faire, Orlando Bloom, Knights, Orlando Bloom, Swordfighters. Did I mention Orlando Bloom?

Favorite N'Syncer: JC

Email Addy: .


Name: Kirstie

Code Name: i guess... veeeeery old big sis

Job: jobless

Age: 27

Birthday: November 24th, 1975

Place of Residence: South Florida for the next 18 months

Cyberspace Residence: not existing

Super Power: five minutes in town and i know the good places to shop, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, swimming, sleeping, making a mean lasagna ( really! ) and my chocolate mousse is even better, sleeping, parking my car into the smallest of all spaces, i can receite clueless the movie ( honestly ), organizing boygroup field trips out of nothing within 2 hours including discount hotel rooms ( hey working for a major hotel chain does come in handy here and there ) with 3 people living in 3 different cities over my cellphone and laptop, did i mention sleeping?

Kryptonite: chocolate, godiva, ben & jerry's cherry garcia and phish food ( hi, my name is kirstie and i am addicted to chocolate ), justin timberlake ( for very obvious visible reasons...the boy is fine damn it! ), new kids on the block period ( old times.... sigh...they are soooooooo cuuuuuuuute ), hip hop, jc minus that thing he calls hair ( get a haircut! i got a really good hairstylist i can recommend, really. ), blackstreet and every damn song they ever did ( teddy riley is a genius period ), fast, german cars, everything baby pink, glitter, aventura fashion mall ( one dangerous shop next to the other ), shoes, shoes with glitter, toy stores ( barbie has gotten so much cooler ever since i grew out of the barbie age ), technical gimmicks ( yes, best buy is dangerous for me too ), loosing stuff ( you name it, i lost it ), glitter, mac and bobbi brown make up counters, nsync's girlfriend ( damn perfect song ), oh and glitter

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin and JC ( minus that hair )

Email Addy: .


Name: Wendy (AKA: Texas Girl)

Code Name: "Grandma"

Job: "Mah Jong" queen

Age: uuummm...oh hell 27

Birthday: April 3, 1976

Place of Residence: Houston, Texas

Cyberspace Residence:Homeless, LOL

Super Power: Army chick -so don't mess wit me, cuz i'm awesome w/ a M-16-

Kryptonite: Lance, reading, Lance, dancing, Lance. well you get the picture, basically LANCE!

Favorite N'Syncer: See above b/c i don't like to be repititious

Email Addy:


Name: Steph (geespice)

Code Name: Big Sis

Job: 60% journalist 40% Kidnapper

Age: 25

Birthday: February 25th 1978.

Place of Residence: Nuremberg, Germany

Cyberspace Residence: nope

Super Power: Drinking a lot without getting drunk. Talking talking talking. Sleeping sleeping sleeping. I also can run very fast... *g* Drinking coffee. Kicking Micky Mouse's Ass.

Kryptonite: Shopping Malls, Pirates of the Caribbean, My boyfriend and shoes

Favorite N'Syncer: JT

Email Addy: //


Name: Tracey

Code Name: "Mom"

Job: Manager

Age: 23

Birthday: February 1, 1980

Place of Residence: Nashville, TN

Cyberspace Residence: Worldsapart's NSync Fan Fiction and my LiveJournal .

Super Power: Well, sometimes I think I'm running an evil plot bunny breeding farm...LOL. Other than writing, um, well, I've got a decent singing voice, I'm really good at Risk and various other strategy games, and I really can't think of anything else....=)

Kryptonite: POP MUSIC. Jane Austen movies. Shakespeare. Christian Bale. Justin Timberlake. Men with small children (did you ever watch Second Noah? yeah...James Marsden with a kid....whoa). Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. Evil plot bunnies.

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin. *sigh* I just can't help myself.

Email Addy: .


Name: Nadya

Code Name: "Crazy Auntie"

Job: Broadway Star (LOL!) in reality just a Grad Student @Yale

Age: 23

Birthday: May 28th, 1980

Place of Residence: Connecticut, USA

Cyberspace Residence: My Livejournal

Super Power: Being CRAZY!!! LOL! Give advice and moral support when needed!!!!! Ohhh, and Booty Dance to even slow music!!! (Hey, THAT's a super power..hehehehe)

Kryptonite: So, it used to be a lot of different foods and now because of the stupid diet I can't eat them....So let me think....*idea* SHOE SALE!!! I'm addicted to shoes!!!

Favorite N'Syncer: may ask why? I don't know really, but I always dreamt I'll bear his children...and for me, THAT is something...LOL!!

Email Addy: .


Name: Rosemarie (sn: marielei03)

Code Name: "Big Sis"

Job:Drama Queen

Age: 21

Birthday: October 13th, 1981

Place of Residence: California

Cyberspace Residence: Unraveled Minds.

Super Power: Killing computer viruses, making mix cds, road rage, and balancing my checkbook. :P oh ya, and i'm really good at opening tightly closed bottles.

Kryptonite: JC Chasez, Tony Lucca, ice cream, Jack Daniels hard cola, and computer games. .

Favorite N'Syncer:Josh Chasez.

Email Addy: .


Name: Nikki

Code Name: "Big Sis"

Job:Guidance Counselor, LOL!

Age: 21

Birthday: May 17th, 1982

Place of Residence: Sweet Home Alabama

Cyberspace Residence: My Livejournal

Super Power: Singing, Giving advice (sometimes) Motivational speaker LOL!

Kryptonite: WWE Wrestling, NASCAR, Chocolate .

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin! I wanna ROCK HIS BODY!!!!!!!

Email Addy: or .


Name: Alex

Code Name: "Big Sis"

Job: Manager

Age: 20

Birthday: February 26th, 1983

Place of Residence: California, USA

Cyberspace Residence: A Thousand Miles Fanfiction and My livejournal.

Super Power: A mean right hook, I can kick butt at polker, procrastination, appreciation and knowledge of music of all genres, from classical to hard rock, I can recite all lines to While You Were Sleeping, sing along to every song out there, and make really good canned soup.

Kryptonite: Chocolate, JC Chasez, good music, babies, romantic comedies, CSI, writing, purses (I'm such a purse fiend... it's sad, really), Fox Mulder, piano, glasses on guys, Orlando Bloom, shoes, hair brushes (I have a billion of them), shampoos that make my hair shiny, Pirates of the Caribbean, Centerstage, Roman Holiday, Orlando Bloom, Sleepless in Seattle, An Affair to Remember, Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones's Diary, all the Harry Potter books and movies, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Tedder, Gregory Peck, Tony Lucca, Jane Austen novels, Colin Firth, Mr. Darcy, Evanscence, did I mention Orlando Bloom?, Pirates of the Caribbean, Disneyland, beach front cities, aquariums, sea otters, The OC, Gilmore Girls, scented candles and sweet smelling lotions.

Favorite N'Syncer: JC Chasez (Without the funky hair, dude) and Joey, because he is my long lost brother or something.

Email Addy:


Name: Annika (Nikka)

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: Cheerleader. you need a hug.. Come and get one !!!

Age: 19

Birthday: February 25th, 1984

Place of Residence: Wurmlingen, Germany

Cyberspace Residence: My livejournal. Oh and my works are at Alex's site !!!

Super Power: Ever had a Nikka hug ? I'm a great listener, advice giver, oh some say I'm funny well find out. Ability to make a fool out of myself an still can laugh at it.

Kryptonite: Chocolate ( must run in the family. LOL) music, ever heard strings playing, NSYNC acapella, Sex and the City, Friends, CSI, sleep oh and coffee. yep if you buy me a latte I'll be your friend forever !!!

Favorite N'Syncer: JC *melts into puddle* (so much better than swoon :P)

Email Addy: .


Name: Anita

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job:I don´t have a job, still

Age: 18

Birthday: November 26th, 1984

Place of Residence: Vienna/Austria

Super Power: I have a loose mouth (I fight with words, not with fists), I´m always on time

Kryptonite: chocolate, good movies, I´m messy, and spiders (Yuck!!)

Favorite N'Syncer: JC

Email Addy:


Name: Brittany

Code Name:'Middle Child'

Job: Nsync addict.. LOL

Age: 19

Birthday: December 1, 1984

Place of Residence: Home sweet home Florida

Cyberspace Residence: My Livejournal

Super Power: Drawing, Being able to mimic people, I'm really loyal to my friends and family (I guess that counts as a super power right? lol), Watchin' MTV all day long, Bugging my older brother, knowledge of movies..

Kryptonite: JC Chasez, Reading lots of novels, Jim Carrey, gymnastics, Watching MTV (Can't help myself..), Watching Grease (Ooh.. I feel ashamed), Art, Learning languages, Candy, Lord of the rings, Stacie Orrico, Outkast, 'Some girls' by JC Chasez, Collecting stamps, American Idol, CD's, A thousand miles fan fiction, Spending sprees, Christina Aguilera, Janet Jackson, Making fun of Jack (My neighbour), Glitters and sparkles, Scary movie 3, Charmed, Angel, Gilmore girls, Hugs, Dogs, Clothes, Beyoncé, Bloopers, 'Hey ya' by Oukast, Jay-Z, Guys with blue eyes (Melts..), Dancing, Going to clubs, ..

Favorite N'Syncer: JC of course..

Email Addy: .


Name: Rose

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: Being A Good Girl *Laughs, ...Yeah Right*

Age: 18

Birthday: August 5, 1985

Place of Residence: New Orleans.. Go Me ! ;)

Cyberspace Residence:

Super Power: I Can Kick Ass At Basketball ..

Kryptonite: Josh Chasez, Sports, Basketball, Music, Guys With A Cute Smile, Chocolate, My Cell phone (Can't Live Without The Damn Thing!), Travelling, Movies, Writing Fan Fiction, Trying To Write Songs (lol), Singing, Dancing, Acting Stupid (I'm Really Good At It! Give Me Five Seconds And I Made A Fool Of Myself, Go Me!), Kitties (They Are So Cute!), Shoes (Trust Me, I've Got A Lot Of Shoes!), Being With My Friends, Girl Power (lol), Collecting Bracelets, Yellow, Christina Aguilera, Nsync And Pop (Damn, The Song Is Fine!), Britney Spears (I Love Her New Song! It's So Freaky Deaky! lol), >Sleep (I Love Sleep, Me Wanna Have Some Sleep!), Glitter, Shopping, Justin His Bloopers (I Just Can't Get Enough!), ......

Favorite N'Syncer: Jc *Cutie*

Email Addy: .


Name: Robynne Francis

Code Name: middle child

Job: umm i donno, gimmie a job i guess. LOL I'm the observer, i see everythign and read every post. I can see you right now MUAHAHAHAHA no just kidding, that'd be creepy. dont mind me I'm a dork lol *I was dropped as a child, that explains so much doesn't it lol*

Age: 18

Birthday: September 1st, 1985

Place of Residence: US of A, California baby!

Cyberspace Residence: nope no site :(

Super Power: I'm very logical, I can solve almost any math problem, umm and I can play pretty much any dice game and win 4 out of 5 times. lol

Kryptonite: Justin Timberlake *drool*, smiling babies! (they're so darn cute!), and kitties!

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin if I had to pick 1, otherwise i love them all!!

Email Addy: .


Name: Jessie

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: I was given the name Group Sweetheart but I also like N?Sync Info Gurl because I know a lot of nsync information. Ask me anything and I most likely know it.

Age: 17

Birthday: May 11, 1986

Place of Residence: North Carolina

Super Power: Dancing, Singing, Reading, bugging people..hehe. Um?and talking. I luv to talk when I?m not busy.

Kryptonite: Chocolate, Fan Fiction, Lance Bass, and N?Sync.

Favorite N'Syncer: Lance Bass

Email Addy: .


Name: Erin

Code Name: "Middle Child"...*sigh*

Job: Banner Pimptress....Pimpin' ain't easy.

Age: 17

Birthday: March 17, 1986

Place of Residence: Illinois, USA

Cyberspace Residence: ...Still On My Brain...

Super Power: Banner making, dancing, I'm not good at a whole lot says Samantha.

Kryptonite: Puppies, Kittens, Soda, Starbursts, Any *NSYNC member, GOOD music, MANY T.V. Shows, A good beat for me to shake my booty to...for example "Ignition", "Chunky Monkey" ice cream, peachy/pink, hot boys, puppy, Hot wrestlers....mostly with long blonde hair, Christina Aguilera, Pacey Witter, "Sweet Home Alabama", Fox (y) Mulder, Sleeping, Junk toys, Southern Accents, Nick @ Nite, "Steel Magnolias", "Ace Ventura 2 : When Nature Calls", J.Lo movies and J.Lo in general, Katie Holmes...she's so cute, "Will & Grace", "American Idol 2", Josh Gracin, Rickey Smith, Carmen Rasmusen, McDonald's McNuggets...they're all white meat now!!, Cute thongs on me, Cool clothes, Samantha's Summer *NSYNC Stories, Craig David, My Big Sis Alex's Fan Fiction, Alex's LiveJournals entries....generally anything she writes...she's hilarious, My good buddy Nikka, "The Country Bears", Jack McPhee, Reese Witherspoon, The Lone Gunmen, Assistant Director Walter Skinner, Lance's father Jim Bass, Lance's ghetto BOOTY, Britney Spears, Ashton Kutcher, "That 70's Show", Fez, Pixie Stix, N.E.R.D.....Pharell Williams is fine and they're music rocks, Making fun of Lance....period, "A Bug's Life", Andrew Danjumbo, Ashanti, Taking pictures of myself, Lifting up my shirt so you can see my belly, Chrissy Aguilera's outfit in 'What A Girl Wants', "Lilo & Stitch", "Monsters Inc.", "Peter Pan", definitely not fish......Ziggy is scary!

Favorite N'Syncer: I don't have a favorite, I love them all equally.....sometimes Joey a little more.

Email Addy: .


Name: Michele

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: Matchmaker, I guess...LOL

Age: 17

Birthday: May 28th, 1986

Place of Residence: Minnesota, USA

Cyberspace Residence: A Thousand Miles Fanfiction, hosted by Alex

Super Power: writing, reading, spending money...I swear, I get two bucks in my hot little hands and it's gone within hours...

Kryptonite: buying CD's, chocolate, going to movies...any member of N Sync, hehe...

Favorite N'Syncer: It changes almost daily, but right now, probably JC. But don't worry, it'll change soon, LOL

Email Addy: .


Name: Sabrina

Code Name: I guess I'd be a "Middle Child"

Job: Writer, Advice Giver, Dancer, Professional Procrastinator

Age: 16

Birthday: October 9, 1986

Place of Residence: California

Super Power: the ability to talk myself out of anything, singing, dancing, writing, the ability to give really good advice, the ability to give really good advice about guys yet not be able to get one on my own

Kryptonite: Hot Guys, Justin Timberlake, Ice Cream, Really good fiction, Shawn Ashmore, Hayden Christiensen, Shane West, 'How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days', Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson, Smallville, O.C., MTV, Music, Hot Guys, Really sad slow songs, *NSync, Robbie Williams, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, David Boreanaz, James Marsters, did I mention hot guys?, shopping, my cell-phone, clubbing, hot guys with really nice abs...

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin

Email Addy: .


Name: Amy

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: being the princess but in reality a high school student

Age: 16

Birthday: November 2nd, 1986

Place of Residence: Dallas, Texas (Go Stars)

Super Power: Drawing and writing

Kryptonite: Candy/Chocolate

Favorite N'Syncer: Lance (Duh)

Email Addy: .


Name: Cait

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: ....?

Age: 16

Birthday: March 6th, 1987

Place of Residence: Massachusetts

Cyberspace Residence: Sexified Fiction

Super Power: I got a mean left foot

Kryptonite: Sweets...and boys with nice bums...can't help but touch! ;-)

Favorite N'Syncer: Lance...

Email Addy: .


Name: Alicia

Code Name: "Middle child"

Job: I don't believe that I have a

Age: 16

Birthday: March 27, 1987

Place of Residence: Indiana

Cyberspace Residence: "You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea".

Super Power: Singing (I certainly do it, dancing around my room like a fool, reading (like a book a day if it's I'm really into it...), being able to make my friend's phone work for me when it won't for, making mix CD's that I love...

Kryptonite: Nsync, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson...I just love them! lol Shawn Ashmore. Justin Timberlake. Love songs. A Walk to Remember. Teen movies. Shamefully, I just can't pass one up. Pop music. Lil kids...they're just too cute! Any man in a US military incredibly gorgeous. I'm not sure why exactly, but American Idol!! I am unhealthily obsessed with it. Josh Gracin. I love that show Lizzie McGuire! And Hilary Duff is such a lil cutie. Gilmore Girls. 7th Heaven. I think that's it, but knowing me I've forgotten something.

Favorite N'Syncer: I love them all!!

Email Addy: or b/c I really need to clean out my hotmail inbox, and it sometimes won't accept


Name: Ashley

Code Name: "Middle Child"

Job: Don't know yet

Age: 16

Birthday: May 27, 1987

Place of Residence: Williamston NC

Super Power: Awesome Bass guitar player,

Kryptonite: Dancing, Josh(real boyfriend), dancing, Josh, Chocolate,strawberrys, Josh

Favorite N'Syncer: Joey...of course..I love my italian

Email Addy: .


Name: Gillian

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: "message board mistress"

Age: 15

Birthday: August 8, 1987

Place of Residence: Virginia, USA

Cyberspace Residence: Imagination Challenges Reality...What's Your Fantasy?

Super Power: Singing, tennis, piano, making smoothies, finding killer outfits at the mall :)

Kryptonite: *NSYNC, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilara, Good Charlotte, All-American Rejects, Something Corporate, Sugarcult, chocolate, pretty eyes, COFFEE, teen movies *I'm addicted*, shopping, handbags, pink *the singer and the color, actually*, dancing, karaoke, raining when the sun in shining, and summer!!

Favorite N'Syncer: Joshua Scott Chasez... *drools*

Email Addy: .


Name: Klose ("Val")

Code Name: "Little Sis". :)

Job: Perpetual Lurker (Tolkien freak? ;))

Age: 15

Birthday: September 1st, 1987

Place of Residence: Singapore (South-east Asia!)

Cyberspace Residence:No website *yet*, but there's my LiveJournal and Fanfiction . :)

Super Power: Ah. Writing... talking crap... being lazy, etc. ;)

Kryptonite: Hmmm... chocolate... an elf named Fingon (ask and I will explain! ;)), good literature... Dutch footballer named Ruud van Nistelrooy... that's about it, I think. :)

Favorite N'Syncer: JC. Until he screwed up his hair. :P

Email Addy: .


Name: Andrea

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: Story Reviewer and Reader!

Age: 15

Birthday: December 18th, 1987

Place of Residence: Indiana

Cyberspace Residence: My Livejournal

Super Power: Umm...know like every song ever made it seems like, same goes with movies, I play the piano pretty well, and I'm a great shopper!

Kryptonite: NSYNC!! JC and Justin's voices in ballads, chocolate, brown hair blue eyes nice looking guys!, abs on a guy, and love songs!

Favorite N'Syncer: Tie between JC and Justin

Email Addy: .


Name: Samantha

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: Picture Princess

Age: 15

Birthday: January 4, 1988

Place of Residence: Illinois, USA

Cyberspace Residence: ...Craving...

Super Power: Picture Posting, Talking, Singing, Putting on make-up.

Kryptonite: *NSYNC, Britney, "Dawson's Creek", "Will & Grace", O-Town, "American Idol", Kelly Clarkson, Riding Golf Carts, My Puppy Cliffy, Make-up, Clothes, Phones, Murdering Ladybugs, Revamping Rooms, "Trading Spaces", Ty Pennington, Roy Chasez, John Doggett, *NSYNC Fan Fiction especially Alex's and Annika's, and all you ladies at UNFF!!

Favorite N'Syncer: Mr. Chasez or Mr.Kirkpatrick or Miss

Email Addy: .


Name: Liz

Code Name: Little Sis

Job: Daydreamer .. LOL ..

Age: 15

Birthday:November, 25 1988

Place of Residence: Belgium

Cyberspace Residence: .. Just Surfing The Web .. .

Super Power: Uhm .. Sleeping .. To me it's a real thing .. LOL ..

Kryptonite: Jc Chasez, Sleeping, Baby blue, chocoloate (I love chocolate I guess I am an addict .. LOL) Shopping (All day long .. ) Shoes, taking pics of my friends, acting crazy, Jc chasez (didn't I said that before?) Christina Aguilera (that girl can sing) , ALL the nsync guys, Clothes, puppies, writing fan fiction, sports, music, movies, ....

Favorite N'Syncer: JC... *swoon*

Email Addy: .


Name: Pamela

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: currently every sense

Age: 14

Birthday: June 14th, 1989

Place of Residence: San Jose, California

Cyberspace Residence: i'm homeless online except for the short story hosted by Alex at a Thousand Miles Fanfiction (under the writing challenge entries).

Super Power: i play a little piano and clarinet, long attention span, pretending to be decent at singing, and knowing useless facts

Kryptonite: hmm...all music, sappy movies, A LOT of TV shows, books, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, and definitely fanfiction

Favorite N'Syncer: JC of the No Strings Attached era

Email Addy: .


Name: Talya

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: Dunno, prolly translating stuff (im alotta lingual (meaning i can speak a lot of languages)) i can speak english, spanish, portugese, italian, french, and german

Age: 14

Birthday: June 15th, 1989

Place of Residence: Wisconsin

Super Power: talking in different languages, cards (especially War and BS!! *grins*)

Kryptonite: Ice Cream, Hot Guys

Favorite N'Syncer: Justin

Email Addy: .


Name: Jessy

Code Name: "Lil' Sis"

Job: Layout Princess

Age: 14

Birthday: June 17th, 1989

Place of Residence: The Netherlands

Cyberspace Residence: The N'Sync Mansion and I'm hosted by Alex at A Thousand Miles Fanfiction

Super Power: Geezz.. difficult.. I can't think of any Super Powers.. oh wait, I'm quit good at soccer, if that counts... I write poetry and stories (not that they're any good).. I'm good at irritating my little sister.. LOL.. That's about it, I guess..

Kryptonite: Chocolate, Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, Movies of all sorts, Everwood, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dutch Soaps, Idols (Dutch version), Love songs.. some even make me cry, Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, On The Line.. specificly the funny Joey scenes, Julia Stiles, Brittany Murphy, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, Alicia Keys, Ashanti, Ja Rule, Craig David, Robbie Williams, Selena, Aaliyah, TLC, Missy Elliot, 50 cent, Darius, Will Young, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Gaurini, Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, Will & Grace, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Smalville, Kirsten Kreuk, Emmanuelle Chiriqui, Eliza Dushka, Kelly Rowland, MTV, The Osbournes, Jackass, Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, All N'Sync Songs.. mostly the ballads, I'm forgetting a lot, but anyway, these are a few of my weaknesses..

Favorite N'Syncer: God, they're all so cute and adorable, it's hard to choose.. I guess I like Justin the best for some reason, but Lance, Chris, Joey and JC are defenitly in second place..

Email Addy: .

Attention UNFF-ers: To be added to this page, just hit me up with an email at with the profile filled out and a picture of an actress/model/singer to represent you! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

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